Alone (Alternative ending)

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Blake was standing on the cliffs by the beach. It was windy and just one worng step and he would be dead. He heard steps from behind him, probably worried civilians.

"It's not safe up here you know" Hoppo, that voice was easy to regonize tho the other voice wasn't as easy, familiar but not easy to regonize

"Why don't you come back to the tower with us?" Alright.. It is definitely another lifeguard.

He slowly turned around, it was Reidy who was the second lifeguard. The worry in they're eyes mad him crack. He couldn't control it anymore. A sob turned into to two wich turned into full on sobbing. Reidy was the first to react, he pulled Blake into a hug and walked him down to the tower with Hoppo walking in front of them and unlocking the doors.

They got Blake a blanket and some hot chocolate, while he explained everything. This time not holding back anything just talking, no interupting.

"I'm lonely, i'm sad and i don't know why. I have friends araound me liek you guys but i still feel so fucking alone and sad. My family is never home, the only thing they do if they are home is yell at me and scream about how much of a dissapointment I am and always will be. Noone would care if I die or if I just dissapeared so why stay here?" he was crying again, but he didn't care he always felt some sort of safeness araound Hoppo and Reidy.

Hoppo told him to stay with him until they were sure that he wasn't a danger to himself.

He got therapy, he started asking for help when it got to much and he learned to stand up for himself when it comes to his parents.

There was still times when he would have a fallback, but all of the lifeguards were there to help him up again, even when he left the lifeguards and returned years later. They were still there and none of them have plans on ever not being there for him, he was finally happy and content with how life was going for the first tiem in years.

Hope you guys liked this, it's not that good but I figured I should make a happy chapter for once.
As always if you have any requests feel free to comment them, write them on my page or just message me :)

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