Youre not alone anymore

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Requested by matt220208gA

Maxi was acting weird. It was summer and due to the corona virus the beach had shut down for an unkown amount of time. And it was extremely warm, warmer than usual...

Yet Maxi is wearing long sleeves everyday... He barely eats or smiles or drinks anything for that matter. It has caused a feeling of worry in every other lifeguard. Mostly in Deano and Hoppo. They have always viewed Maxi as a son figure and right now there son might be struggling in silence.

They let it be for a couple of weeks, adding it up to the stress from Covid and that he might be colder than usual. But when a month had passed by and he had only got worse, Deano and Hoppo had had enough of it. 

"Maxi? Could you join me and Deano in the office please?" Hoppo asked trough the walkies. 

"Yea alright" He answered before he turned to Chappo almost as if asking what is going on, when he only got a shrug in response he started walking up to the office and sat down on the sofa when Deano guided him there while Hoppo closed the door.

"Don't lie to us, what is going on..? You don't eat, you don't drink, smile and you are still wearing your long sleeves even if when there is a heathwave going on.." Deano said

"I just... I don't know.. I just kinda wanna disappear... And I figured cutting was the right answer.."

The slience that followed was deafening to Maxi. He swear time froze until Deano pulled him into a warm bear hug.. 

He felt safe for the first time in a long time, so he started to cry and cry. Hoppo joined in as well and sat on Maxi's other side and stroked his hair in an effort to comfort him.

" Whats going on in that head of yours kiddo?" Hoppo asked once Maxi's sobs had turned into small sniffs.

" That I really like this hug and that i feel bad about cutting because i dont want to dissapoint you two.."

"Youre not alone Maxi, we are always here and you can't dissapoint us, ok kiddo?"

He nodded

" Alright, lets look at the cuts and clean them up if needed and then we can go home to DEano and just relax and figure this out together yeah?"

They cleaned up the scars and Deano gave Maxi a light jumper to change into. And then they drove to Deano's.

The rest of the day was spent giving Maxi all the cuddles that his heart desires and helping him eat and drink again. They even got a small smile out of him. During the evening Hoppo had gone over to Maxi's apartment to get rid of the razors and to fill his fridge again. 

But Maxi did end up staying at Deano's place for a couple of weeks and sometimes at Hoppo's just because he could and because he feels safe around them.

Yes, Maxi wasn't doing sp great and it will be a tough battle to fight but with Hoppo and Deano by his side it won't be so hard to go trough.

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