Choosen family is still family

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Ever since he was young, he was always told that family is only blood. Anything else was false. At that age he believed everything his parents said, but he had no idea how wrong they were. But that would soon be proven to him, just how wrong they are. 

The first time it happend was in school when he started seeing his best friend as his brother, but when he told his best friend that he laughed in his face and called him idiotic for thinking that. It all started again when he applied as a lifeguard at Bondi beach. He was closed off and shy in the begining so none of the lifeguards really got to know him. He wouldn't laugh much either, he could feel the curious looks he got sent when he wasn't looking or the looks they sent each other over his head.

It kept going like that for years, he was known as the quiet calm one of the group. the one who people didn't know much about ecept his name, age, favorite food, drink and candy. Everything else was hidden, hidden on purpose. He was scared that if he showed or talked to much about himself he would start seeing them as brothers and get the same treatment again. So he stayed quiet, well until it became to much and he started to shut down completly.

he stopped eating with them, then he stopped eating in genereal. he kept drinking water only because he didn't want a heat stroke.
Hoppo had noticed that him since the start, the way he was quiet, the way he didn't smile much,the way he stopped eating.

he let it be for a couple of months before hoppo pulled him into his office and sat him down for a talk. he cracked under pressure and told him everything. They must have talked for hours upon hours.

After that conversation he started to open up a bit and after a while he realised that he had a family even if they weren't blood.

He was Dean "deano" Gladstone and he was a lifeguard at Bondi Beach and he was currently working with his family, cause family dosen't end in blood.

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