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Requested by StitchOsaurs
Just a little note, i am giving Jethro the same headache symptoms that i once had when it comes to the worse parts of it, and i will give him the same symptoms i usally have as well.

Jethro have got to be cursed or something. He was sick again, but worse. He had a small stomacache but that will go away after he has taken some pain relief. But that wasn't what his biggest problem was, his biggest problem was that he has such a big headache it feels as if his brain was about to explode. But he went to job anyways, luckily he was just on tower duty this time.

He took some painrelief tablets and packed his backpack and went to the beach. He said hi to Reidy, Hoppo, Chappo, Haries, Maxi, Ryan and Harrison. When he turned around to open up his backpack he missed the worried glances that was exchanged between the other lifeguards. They silently agreed to keep an eye on Jethro trough out their shift.

He had been in the tower for about three hours and the headache was getting worse. He was lucky that there were more than then just him in the tower. He had to put down the binoculars and hold his hands over his ears because it felt as if his brain was exploding, he could hear himself blink he could hear the ac running in the back of the tower.

His sudden movements and the way he curled into himself while holding his hands over his ears got Ryan's attention. He radioed to Hoppo who was in his office.

"Central to Hoppo" Ryan's slight panicked voice came trough the radio.

"Yea, Ryan?"

"Jethro is sick, he is curled up in his chair and is holding his hands over his ears and tears are building up in his eyes.. Can you come over here and take over so I can take him home so he can rest?"

"Sure, I will be right over."

It had gone like aminute or two before Hoppo came in to the tower. He saw Jethro and crouched in front of him and lowered his voice til it turned into a whisper.

"Hey Jethro, Ryan's going to take you home and take care of you. Okay?" Jethro just slowly nodded and Ryan led him over to the lockers and to his car and started to drive to Jethro's apartment.

Ryan made sure he had enough water and that the lights were completly gone and that no sunshine was visible. He lead Jethro to his bed and helped him get under the duvet. Ryan decided to stay the night and help him until he was healty enough to be on his own. He texted Hoppo and got as amny days off as he needed to help Jethro.

----Time skip----

It was the next day when Jethro woke up. His headache wasn't as bad. It had become a more mild version, so he got up to take a painrelief or two. Once he walked out of his room he saw Ryan sitting on his couch.

Ryan just pointed to the painkillers. Jethro took them and walked over and sat down beside Ryan. Ryan pushed Jethro down so he had his head in Ryan's lap. Ryan started to massage Jethro's head.

"Maxi used to and still do this to me when ever I have a headache." He said once he saw Jethro's confused glance.

There were no words exchanged between them, just having Ryan there was enough for Jethro.
And if they fell asleep like that, well that was between them and Hoppo who took pictures of them once he came over to check on them.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, it's a bit short but I quite like it.

If you have any requests, feel free tocomment them or message me :)

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