Are.. Are you wearing nail polish?

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The beach was closed due to bad weather and some of the lifeguards where sitting in the tower to escape the rain and thunder. Jules looked around at the boys, she liked seeing them like this, a bit more relaxed. The way Deano allowed himself to slouch a bit, the way Jethro sat with his legs in a yoga kind of position, the way Hoppo had a small smile on his face and the way Reidy would smile at the pictures of his family and pictures of his family with Jethro as well (the ever loving father figure). But it was Deano's nails that caught her attention, they were a beautiful dark red colour that looked a bit black at the same time as they looked red.



" Are.. Are you wearing nail polish or is it blood on your nails?" That did not sound creepy in her head but as she said it she realised it might sound a bit creepy.

"Oh.. Uh... Well...." That caught everyone's attention cause Deano never ever stuttered or got nervous when it came to small questions like this. Deano missed the concerned glances as he felt himself get pulled into a panic attack.

*Flashback sequence*

"Dean Gladstone! Are you wearing nail polish?" His father yelled once he saw his son in the kitchen doing his homework

"Yes father" The timid voice of a then 15 year old Deano spoke

"Remove it at once! You know I don't tolerate fags around this house!" His father yelled, he ran up the stairs and into the bathroom as fast as he could. He removed the nail polish and went down the stairs again and showed his father his nails, he only sat down at the table again once his father was satisfied.

"Now, what did you want to talk about?" His father aksed, Deano had sent him a text asking if they could talk.

"Im gay, father.." the silence was deafening, he could hear his own heart beating so incredibly fast. His father stood up, picked up a glass bottle and launched it at Deano's head. It smashed in pices but he got away with only a scratch by his eye. His father's eye were close to black, he opened his mouth "Now you listen here you little fag. No one will know ever, you're going to find a girl and marry her. I don't care if you aren't happy." he spat with so much venom that Deano was suprised it hadn't killed him.

Deano nodded and walked up to his room and dried the blood from under his eye.

*End of flashback*


he came back to Hoppo kneeling in front of him and holding deano's hand up to his chest. Once Deano had calmed down, Hoppo pulled him into his chest to further calm him.

It took some time but Deano told them the truth, he was suprised by their reaction.

"We still love you and for the record your nails are awsome!" Jethro said and everyone else came with murmerd agreements.

He looked at them and smiled a bit, he didn't need his father he had the lifeguards. Well yes he missed a father figure in his life but he had hoppo as well.

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