💚💛Mama Izuku💛💚

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Imma do this - another day of mama izuku - sorry if it makes no relation to part 5 but I really want to write another chapter of mama izuku at his best 🥺😙✌🏼 (this is where everything starts to take a toll on izuku okay? so i guess trigger warning for certain thoughts. no harm just thoughts atm)

Izukus pov (nothing new)
I just want to get to bed but I always know there's things to be done around the dorms before I finally get to sleep, I always check on everyone even the girls when they gave me permission to. Denki now sleeps in my room to keep his nightmares which are quite recent but they don't seem to be anything serious for the time being.

I send everyone off to bed at around 9:30 so I can start doing the tasks I set myself to get them done before sunrise. I get a goodnight from everyone and they head off but i notice denki stay behind, he just lays there so i leave him to do his own thing cause we will end up in the same room anyways. I get to mopping the kitchen and then letting it dry and making a sign to not have any accidents cause it's wet, i then move on the cleaning the table, it's a little outside the main kitchen area so i spray anti bacterial on the top and wipe it down with a cloth and then making sure that was also dry since the spray has a really strong smell that could send u throwing up if u was around it long enough, i move on to the living room to pick up the rubbish from the floor, the seats and the table placing it in the bin which is in the corner of the room. I paused for a sec letting myself breathe noticing denki was still awake "are u alright bubs" i question accidentally startling him "huh oh yeah sorry. can i stay with u please, i just don't really wanna be alone" he responded to me sounding sad and scared but he was also trying not to zone out since i noticed he had trouble focusing on me for a long period of time "yeah sure, i don't mind. lay on the sofa hun, make urself comfortable. i'll be longer than i need to be" looking up at the clock to see it was 10:11pm 'huh i guess time really does fly by..welp better get back to it'. I moved out of the living area to find myself back at the kitchen feeling the floor to see if it was dry since i put the fan on, after feeling that it was in fact not wet anymore i took down the warning signs and placed them in the bin 'i'll just make more next time i do that' i looked to the pile of dishes that needed doing so i hurried and did them quickly glancing at denki and the kitchen clock to see he was asleep and it was 10:20, putting the dishes in the dishwasher leaving me to actually wash up the cutlery which i never minded but i'm clumsy and stupid sometimes so i happen to always hurt myself off of a knife.

I finished the washing up and putting everything away, i walked to the fridge cause i always knew Kat (i ain't gonna call bakugou kacchan anymore in this - sorry) would kill me if i didn't check to see if any foods we out of date, surprisingly it was only the meat meaning i would have to go out shopping before i went to bed "a corner store i know is always open 24 hrs so i'll get it from there" i sigh to myself wanting to take denks with me cause i didn't really wanna go alone at night.. 'it's 10:43 already.. i think i better hurry up' i wrote a little note to anyone who would wake up between now and 11 that i went out for meat and another bottle of milk.. maybe some coffee also, making my way to denki wanting to wake him up but he just looked way too peaceful for that to happen so i settled on going alone which i knew i probably shouldn't do since i hate the outside world at night.. i head out of the dorms making my way to the store only to bump into a lamppost which made me lightheaded 'gosh dang it. i shoulda seen that huge silver light pole in front of me.. but nooo i didn't, stupid. stupid.. dumb izuku' i paused shaking my thoughts away "c'mon. meat, coffee and milk is all i need.. i need cuddles from denks too but i didn't wanna wake him up and now i feel like shi-.." 'was i about to call him.. omg' i just lose myself in a trail of thoughts making my way around the store finally reaching the coffee and milk, seeing i already had the meat, i checked out and heard my phone buzz and i saw it light up so i picked up to hear a worried bubs on the other side.. i mean it is only "omg it's 11:32.. 'why did i take so long' ..hey bubs" i talk to denki trying to give him some comfort from a bad dream, we talked the whole time until i was a little outside the dorms letting him come to me.. 'why am i so tired for, i don't understand' sigh, just worn out from everything and i realise we got school in the morning making me panic a little and so i walk faster than my legs could cope with (< u know when u walk for ages but u know when u stop moving ur going to collapse? that's what i mean >) i needed to get back to my baby boy as fast as possible and settle him back down in my room so he doesn't feel scared or worried, i can tell that i will have a sleepless night tonight but i'm just hoping i can help him have a more rest than i will cause of school.

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