💛 Part 8 🖤

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~ Aizawa Pov
after finishing the lesson, i recalled kaminari had sent me a message to head towards problem child's room as something was wrong with him. i made my way up to their shared dorm room, a bad gut feeling making its way into my stomach, finally knocking on the door i waited a little before the whispering stopped, i was then let into the room

"so, u gonna explain what's up with problem child, kaminari" i spoke in my natural 'dead' - like voice

"uhm well" kaminari glanced back "that's what i mean" he pointed at problem child who was sitting on the bed not even taking a second to glance up to see who was in the room, if he even knew

"i see" more concern was laced in my voice "well, u sit by him and i'll talk to him"

i walked over to the bed, following kaminari, letting him sit down first to get comfy by problem child, then i took it upon myself to place myself at the end of the bed not wanting to freak out the green haired boy

~ Kaminari Pov
i felt the bed move slightly letting me know that aizawa-sensei had sat down, being more focused on izu, i tapped him making him look at me

"aizawa is here, izu he's on the end on ur bed. can u try communicate with him for me please" i pleaded as i put myself sitting behind him and placing my arm around his torso, i earned a nod as i watched him slowly turn towards aizawa-sensei

"hi sensei, what brings u here today" izu spoke, shocking us both as it was like a whole other personality

"uhm" aizawa-sensei couldn't seem to find the words clearly still in shock

i tapped bunny's shoulder "u don't have to pretend to be happy. he's not gonna tell anyone i promise u bunny" watching izuku's shoulders drop as his body slumped backwards into me, i held on to him tighter to let him know everything is okay

"u gonna talk" izu spoke to sensei sounding empty

"i don't know what to ask, however, judging by ur state ur not actually ok. so i just want to know if ur willing to take a test the doctors send me incase things like this happen, i got one off recovery girl but she doesn't have to know about this. all of this is completely up to u" he paused "what do u say problem child"

izuku flinched slightly at the name aizawa-sensei called him, i mentally noted it down as he nodded for agreement to this. "can u get this over with. i hate u being here" mido spoke honestly without care of what anyone thinks

sensei nodded "right. ok. first question"

~ Aizawa Pov
"first question" i looked down at the sheet of paper, it was only small, i began reading "do u feel like u want to do anything u enjoy anymore" i patiently waited as he began to tense

"no" problem child deadpanned

"ok, second question" i paused 'wtf is this question' "do u feel suicidal" i watched closely as not even 3 seconds later i received a quick nod, that if i wasn't paying attention i would've missed

"why is that question on there for" kaminari spoke sounding more concerned for what's coming next, not actually wanting an answer

"right, third question is gonna need a longer answer, is that okay" receiving a nod i proceeded "why do u feel like this"

i had my eyes on kaminari who was watching the problem kid with slightly red eyes, i'm assuming he's trying not to cry. i waited and then i heard a little voice

"why.." he paused and slightly laughed but it sounded sad "that's easy, i don't want to be alive, i have no parent, my dad left me and my mom is dead" he stopped and i went to speak until "i know i have people who care and love me, i have acknowledged that. however, i actually feel so alone, i know sparky is trying his best to keep me happy and aware of my surroundings, but i'm losing myself more and more everyday and i'm aware of that. i know i've slowly started giving up on school and being the class mom, but it's not like living is easy anymore" i looked at him "do u want to know why" he looked at me and i just nodded wanting to let him talk

he took a deep breath "ok, u better not regret this cause i'm not repeating it. so listen and don't talk over me or i'll stop talking. got it aizawa" he looked at me "yes i got that problem child". (little warning - most of these events have happened in canon but won't be exact of what happened, imma twist the events and won't be in order - hope that's ok) "a few months ago, that day at the mall, shigaraki was there and he grabbed my throat threatening to kill me if i don't cooperate with him, remember when i just didn't come back to ua for a week and no one noticed? yes that day. then there's u always calling me "problem child" and i hate it, i've never done anything wrong so yup, stop that, then we have when kacchan got taken - i blamed that whole fucking situation on me and no one bothered to check on how i felt, it was never my idea to go rescue him since i was in hospital with my arms broken, it was kirishima's but that's ok cause he's all buddy buddy with him so no he can't do no wrong" he took a breather "then we have how u all rely on me, my mom dying took a toll on me and no one even noticed when i was sad" he stopped "i can't go on aizawa, i'm done talking"

i was speechless and shocked, glancing to kaminari who was in tears hugging midoriya tighter than before like he was going to vanish, finally getting some courage to talk "ok.. uhm what do u want me to call u then, cause i see u as a son but i can't call u that in class, so u can pick" he just looked at me like i had gone insane

"what" he paused looking at me like i had just spoken french "oh, well, uhm.. u can either call me izuku, kiddo, zuzu or izu cause sparky can call me bunny anywhere we go" he looked away then back at me "if that's ok with u" he practically whispered

~ No Ones Pov
aizawa continued to ask izuku questions and although it took a while, they all had managed to get through it with anyone breaking down, having a panic attack or shouting (izuku as aizawa)

- on to after the questions (sorry)

~ Izuku Pov
after what seemed like forever, sensei had finished with all whatever he was doing in the first place, i may have forgotten but the voices got louder and i was good at masking whatever was going on with me, so i had looked the same from when i slouched on my happy zappy boy

"ok kiddo" aizawa-sensei had started off "i'm sorry if this breaks ur trust a little" as soon as he said that i knew he had told RG "but i had to send the test to recovery girl" i nodded "and she got back to me a while ago" he paused whilst looking for a way to word whatever he was gonna say "izuku, kid, u have depression, insomnia even tho kaminari said u was sleeping, anxiety, ptsd and an eating disorder.. theres more but i'll let u look through them, there's some like stress and lighter ones but there's some real heavy ones, so i'm going to come check on u every day and night on the weekends and weekdays, i'm also going to no tell anyone but gonna have kaminari keep a close watch on u - would u like anyone else helping out" he asked me

i looked up at kamkam as he kissed me on the forehead letting me know in his own way that it's okay to say yes, i nodded "can.. uhm.. present mic, nezu, kacchan and sero know and to help also.. if that's okay with u guys" i spoke quietly and i earned a small nod off aizawa "sure buddy, i'll get a meeting with them all to let them know but may i ask why those, u don't have to say if u don-.." i cut him off

"i'll answer" i held kami's hand "present mic, cause ur married to him and itll he easier on u plus i like his radio talk podcasts he does - the ring on ur finger gave it away" i laughed only slightly "nezu cause i feel like he'll have quite some understanding on what i'm going through - i can't explain that sorry" i paused "kacchan, cause i've known him all my life and i trust him not to tell anyone and cause i know he cares, it's just he has a different way of showing it, like aggressive affection, plus he's like my brother" i looked down but carried on "then there's sero, i really find him interesting, and i want to talk to sparky about something private about him, but i trust him like i do with u" i pointed at my blonde love

i stopped talking "i hope this is okay with u guys, again.. i never said thankyou for all u have done denki kaminari and aizawa-sensei" i smiled ever so slightly as i just began to feel sleepy but i didn't want to sleep as i needed to talk to denks about the stuff with sero

~ chapter end
i hope this was okay with everyone - and i hope u all was alright reading this chapter, i know i've been gone for a while and i'm sorry but i've got a couple chapters done whilst i wasn't posting.

~ see y'all in the next chapter ~
Echo 🖤

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