Flangst, Tangtho - It's Not All Bad...Is It? (Among Us)

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Yeah, you read the title. Another oneshot nobody asked for. My imagination goes its own way sometimes UnU

This one is a lot longer than normal. 6,500 words that took me four days.

Warnings: Blood, violence, character death, swearing (only once or twice but the words are more moderate so I figured I'd tag)


P.S. I'm calling fluff and angst 'flangst' now so it takes up less space, if anyone was wondering what that meant.

P.P.S. GJFHGJFH REQUESTS ARE NEXT I SWEAR, I'm really sorry it's taking so long, my brain just doesn't wanna cooperate with me on them.


Hermitcraft season 7 had recently ended, and the Hermits were moving to the next season's world. Usually, a portal appeared that took them to the next season. This did happen, but this time, not every Hermit decided to go that route. They'd used the same mode of travel six times; naturally, some of them got a bit tired of it and decided to use another route. There was a spaceship, the Skeld, that could travel across worlds. Ten of the Hermits decided to take that to the next season.

It had only been three days, and already most of them were deeply regretting that decision.

"Oh, come on!" Tango growled, jamming his card into the card reader for what felt like the hundredth time. "This thing is broken! It won't register the stupid card!"

Tango was one of the people doubting it. He was also one of the main people to encourage using the Skeld, but he didn't talk about that now that he more regretted it.

"You can't get it to work either, then?" Impulse sighed from across the room where he was downloading data.

"Nope," Tango huffed, attempting to shove the card through the system again, only for it to let out a disapproving beep. Letting out a frustrated growl, Tango threw his card across the admin table. "You'd think after three days we'd have it down, but apparently not."

Someone bent over on the other side of the table to pick up the fallen card. Zedaph straightened and faced Tango, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "You're doing it too fast, man," he said, nudging Tango out of the way. Zed swiped his card, far gentler and slower than Tango had been doing. After a short pause, the light on the card reader lit up green and it gave a more cheerful beep. "See?"

Tango scowled, though accepted his card when Zedaph handed it to him. "Fine. I'll try your slow way, but I doubt it'll work." He swiped the card gently and more slowly as Zedaph had done, and to his slight surprise, the light glowed green a moment later.

"I told youuuu~" Zedaph sang playfully, earning a glare from Tango and giggles from Impulse.

"Jerk," Tango muttered, stepping back to allow Impulse to swipe his card as well.

"Be nice, or I won't help you anymore," Zedaph teased.

"I don't need help," Tango snapped.

"That's not what it looked like," Impulse smirked, joining in the teasing as his light also turned green.

"I hate you both!" Tango growled.

"We love you too, Tango," Zedaph grinned.

Muttering under his breath, Tango stormed out of Admin, leaving Zedaph and Impulse giggling behind him.

His friends annoying him and cursing at tasks that he couldn't figure out were minor issues. More worrying was how often they had to fix things. Constantly, Tango wondered if this ship came from a junkyard or something. Wires broke too often, the engines seemed to always need more fuel, the steering always veered off track...the list went on. It was annoying, yes, how much they had to do. But what was worrying was that if someone missed something, it could create a chain of events that would end badly, with the ship somehow destroyed and the crew...well, dead. And nobody wanted that.

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