Don't Take It Personal

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Just one of them days
That a girl goes through
When I'm angry inside
Don't want to take it out on you
Just one of them days
Don't take it personal
I just wanna be all alone
And you think I treat you wrong

"So tonight I'm cooking and you should totally come over since I haven't seen you in forever." Lani said into the phone.

"Wait so you mean to tell me you're cooking? Did you forget that cooking isn't your cup of tea?"

"Ty has been taking me to this cooking class, and I think its really paying off."

"What's up with you guys anyways?" I questioned as I balanced my cell phone against my ear and picked up my freshly dried uniforms for work.

"Oh you know, just taking it one day at a time really."

"Just get married already gesh."

"Hey Millz he's beeping in, I'll call you back." Before I could even respond the line went dead.

I was off for the day and decided to stop by the nail salon for a quick pedicure. While I was getting a scrub I saw Odell's fiancé walk in. "Ugh great." I said as I rolled my eyes. I didn't want to be bothered so I took out my phone and scrolled through instagram.

"Hi, Camila correct?" She said as she took a seat beside me.
"Yes." I said dryly.

There was a long pause.

"Odell couldn't stop talking about you since he's last saw you, I haven't seen him that happy to see a old friend." She said as she looked down at her stomach.

"Hmp friends...How many months are you?" I asked trying to change the subject

"I'll be six tomorrow."


"Thank you. I can't wait to pop him out, so I can start back planning our wedding." She said excitedly while showing off her ring.

"Cool." I said and returned to my phone completely over this conversation.

She took a deep breath and was about to say something until Odell walked in.

"Isn't this just great." I mumbled

"Baby you left your phone." He said walking over to her.

"Thanks baby, you know I have pregnancy brain, oh your old friend is here." she said motioning over to me.

Odell turned and looked at me, "Oh man what's up Camila? I didn't notice you with hat on, you must live in the area."

"Hi O, and yeah I stay close by." I said smiling

"That's great, you looking hellaaaaa good these days by the way." He said while smirking and licking his lips.

"Excuse me I hate to interrupt you guys little reunion, but I believe what you just told her is highly disrespectful considering I'm not only right here, but your engaged with a baby on the way, "O." Chanel said angrily.

"Chanel chill out, this is my friend and it was a inside joke we use to say all the time growing up while going through puberty."
He was telling the truth, but I also knew he meant it more than just a inside joke.

"Well I'm going to get going. It was nice seeing you two."
Chanel just sat there staring at me. "You take care, giggles." He said calling me my old nickname he gave me when we were younger.

"Lani I'm here!" I said as I stepped into her house.

"In the kitchen." She yelled back.

I walked into the kitchen and sat my purse down on the counter.

"You look stressed." She said while stirring whatever she was cooking.

I took a deep breath before speaking, "I'm at the nail salon minding my business and Chanel comes in and has the nerve to not only sit beside me but strike up a conversation." I said while rubbing my hands through my hair.

"Well how did that go?"

"It was weird, but it gets better. Odell comes in and totally flirts with me in front of her. She was pissed off and gave me the dirtiest look. Good thing I was finished cause it got awkward."

"Odell did that? I mean you guys have history, but that kind of was inappropriate, but you a bad bitch so what did Chanel expect?"

"I just don't want her to feel like I'm a threat cause it's not that deep. And I guess Odell told her we're old friends." I said getting up to wash my hands

"Ugh you are a threat. Chanel isn't Odell's type trust me, and old friends my ass."

"How you know?"

"I know her. She's always thought it was all about her. Like her shit don't stink, I'm surprised O gave her a baby honestly."

Just then the front door unlocked, and we heard voices, it was Ty and August. I've been keeping my distance from Aug since we had sex, and that was nearly two weeks ago now. I was embarrassed about the situation and I didn't want Aug to get the impression that I was his little go to girl for a quick nut.

As they entered the kitchen I saw Aug's smile disappear as his eyes landed on me. I simply smiled and greeted him and Ty.

"You helping my baby cook? I'm ready to taste this meal and see if all that money I been spending on them high ass classes really paying off." Ty said while giving me a hug.
"Baby I was going to call hoping I would catch you before you came over. I'm out of string beans and this won't be enough." Lani said

"Aight bring ya ass cause I don't know how much of them shits you need." Ty said while grabbing his keys.

"While you guys are gone I'll go ahead and put the tilapia in the oven." And with that they were out the door.
I was seasoning the fish and couldn't help but to feel uncomfortable, I could feel Aug burning a hole in my back and he still hasn't said a word to me. I put the fish in the oven and was about to make my way into the living room until Aug stopped me, "aye lemme holla at cha' real quick."

"Make it quick." I said with an attitude.

"Cut all that shit out I just wanna know why you acting funny? I been tryna hit you up." He said irritated.
"I know you have, but what's there to talk about? I gave you what you wanted so leave me alone." I said walking off.

"Dis what this fuckin attitude fa? Last time I checked you wanted it just like I did and you wasn't stoppin nigga from givin it to ya." He followed me.

"Are you done?"

"Fuck no, not until you tell me what the real problem is cause I know me givin you the dick ain't it." He said while sipping his beer.

"Look what happened that night will never happen again, besides I don't deserve to be treated like some cheap hoe." I yelled.

"Man whatcha talkin bout?"

"I'm talking about how you just fucked me good and then left!"

August laughed before speaking, "it wasn't nothing personal and I tol' you I was out in the A.M." Aug said.

I blew my breath in frustration, I couldn't believe I didn't see how much of a inconsiderate, cocky prick August really was. There's no telling how many other women he's done like that, and my name was added to that list. I had nothing to say to him and I kept it like that for the rest of the night.

I was making my way to the car after having dinner at Lani's when my phone vibrated. I got in and took it out to see I had a text from a unknown number, opening up the message I was in shock...

Camila it's Odell. I've had your number for awhile now, but decided to use it after seeing you today. I'm sorry about the way Nel acted earlier, and was hoping we could go out and catch up maybe?

I read the text at least ten times completely confused. How did he get my number, and why is he apologizing for his jealous broad? I thought to myself.

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