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So I creep yeah
Just keep it on the down low
Said nobody is supposed to know
So I creep yeah
'Cause he doesn't know

I sipped my Snapple, kiwi & strawberry juice drink and scrolled through instagram.
"Why you so quiet?" Deja asked me.

"Oh I don't know." I lied.
Truth is I didn't want to be here, but since I did tell her I would be in her child's life, here I am.

"I understand if you don't want to be here."

"It's not that. I don't know, just a little odd ya know?"
She laughed.

"Tell me about it.." She shrugged.

"Sooooo, nice place." I said looking around.

"Thanks...,you wanna see the baby's room?" She asked.

"Why not." I got up and followed her upstairs.
She opened up the door of a separate bedroom.

I stepped in and looked around. The room was far from complete. There was a set up crib and some blown up ultra sound pictures that were framed on the walls.

"It's messy and out of order right now until we find out what we're having." She said smiling.

I continued to examine the room. "You know what you want?" I asked her.

"I honestly don't care. As long as it's healthy, but I have a feeling it's a boy."

I just stared at her. I could feel myself getting upset, "Where's your restroom?" I asked.
"Right down the hall on the left." She pointed.

I quickly walked out and into the bathroom.
I leaned on the door and threw my head back. I practiced my breathing techniques. Everything was all good with the baby situation up until now. Nothing hurt more than seeing the man you love having a baby by a woman he really barely even knows.

There was a knock at the door. I guess I was in here longer than I thought.
"Yes?" I said as I opened the door.

"I was just checking up on you."

"I'm good, got to texting and completely forgot you was out here." I lied.

"Oh trust me, I know." She laughed.
He went back downstairs and sat down.

"So August tells me you're having some problems with your pregnancy?" I asked.

She looked down.
"I was in such a rush to get pregnant that I didn't even take time to think about my health nor the baby's." She said as she played with her finger nails.

"What's going on?" I asked concerned.
She took a deep breath as her eyes watered.

"I haven't told August yet, so please don't say anything but the doctors think I may have pre eclampsia." She said as she fault back her tears.

I covered my mouth. "Oh my God..."

She nodded her head. "So my next appointment they'll tell me, which is when I find out the gender, so it won't be such a happy occasion."

"Just pray about it Deja." I tried to give her a little piece of hope.

"I'm such a burden. I get pregnant out of spike and now I probably won't even give him a healthy child, I mean that's the least I could do.....right?" She asked as she cried.

I tucked my hair behind my ears and rubbed my forehead. I had enough problems of my own and listening to hers made my head hurt.

"Then my parents, oh God. They don't help me one bit. Don't even talk to me, you would think they would want to know how their unborn grandchild is doing, but nope. If it wasn't for August I don't know what I would do honestly." She continued on.

I looked up at her, "What about your best friend Chanel?" I asked.
You would think since they're so close she would be in the picture and helping her friend out.

She rolled her eyes, "That's some best friend alright." She shook her head.

I wanted to question her about what went on between the two but that was none of my business.

"You know this whole situation is so fucked up but it made me realize something." She stood and walked around.

"What's that?" I looked up at her.

"The one person that I made public enemy was the person I needed on my team."

I stood up and walked towards her. I couldn't help but to pull her into a hug.
"All I have is you and August." She cried.

I pulled into the drive way, I decided to check the mail box. There was usual mail for August. I noticed there was a package for me. I unlocked the door and stepped inside, making sure to lock it back. I removed my sandals and took my hair out my pony tail. I went into the kitchen and sat the mail on the counter. August hadn't texted or called all day which was odd. I tried not to think about it.

I headed upstairs to take a quick shower. Once finished I dressed in my PJ's and went into the living room. I turned on the TV and relaxed. Just then I thought about the package. I don't recall ordering anything lately. I went back into the kitchen and sat on the bar stool. I examined the mail. It had no return address or anything and I was completely confused.

I opened it up and out fell a bunch of pictures. I picked them up and that's when I noticed all the pictures were of August and some woman.

I saw as he pulled up in his rental and jumped out. The lady got out her car as well. They embraced each other before he got into her car and drove away.

I felt the lump in my throat. I was beyond pissed off. I put the pictures back into the envelope and sprinted up the stairs, this would be the last time August played me.

*Updated again!

Check out, What's Done In The Dark!

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