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You were my favorite drug
The only problem is
That you was using me
In a different way
That I was using you
But now that I know
That it's not meant to be
You gotta go
I gotta wean myself off of you

"Hmm what to wear?" I asked myself as I walked around my closet with a towel wrapped around my wet body.

I settled on just a cute long sleeve white off the shoulder dress that showed off my curves.

I had a pair of red wine colored peep toe heels I'd just bought and figured they would go good with the dress.
I parted my hair down the middle and put it into a nice sleek bun, making sure to lay my edges.
I sprayed a little perfume and put on some of my lip gloss.

Of course I had to take a few selfies before leaving out, but I decided against posting them at the moment since I was running a little late.
I locked up and headed to the car.

"Where you going looking all pretty?" My nosey neighbor asked.

I turned around to face him, "Just out for a little while." I fake smiled.
He didn't need to know my business.

"Alright now. Have fun." He waved and went back into his apartment.
I got into my car, cranking it up.
"What would you like Sir?" The waitress asked.

"I'll just take a marinated sirloin steak and I would like the baked potato as my side with my steak cooked medium rare. He said.

"Would you like any cheese, sour cream or anything on that baked potato?" She asked.

"Uhh....I actually want cheese and bacon bits on the side and a cup of ranch."
She wrote it all down before turning to me.
"And what can I get you?" She smiled at me.

"I'll take your grilled salmon with broccoli as my side.
I looked from the menu to her.

"Anything else I can get you two?"
We shook our heads no and she gathered up the menus.

I had finally decided to go out with Sean after many months of him asking. He was a regular at the office and often flirted with me, but I never paid him any mind like all the others.

"You look nice. I've never seen you in anything besides the scrubs." He sipped his glass of vodka.

"Thank you." I smiled at him.
It was a awkward silence for a while.

"Not much of a drinker?" He pointed to the cold glass of water.

"I drink here and there, but not today."

"So what made you take my offer up after all this time?" He asked.

"Because I knew you were very persistent." I laughed.

"Well a girl as beautiful and independent as you are I couldn't just give up on, don't find too many like you."

I smiled a little. That wave of awkward silence came back around.
This time I decided to excuse myself from the table.

I went into the ladies room. After I did my business and sat my purse on the counter so I could wash my hands.
"I don't mean to be weird, but you have the cutest shape." A complete stranger said to me before she left out.

I looked down into the sink as I scrubbed my hands. I heard the door open and close.
I turned off the water and grabbed a few paper towels.

"You look cute."
I looked into the mirror and quickly turned around.
"Why are you in here? This is the women's bathroom." I said to August.

"Chill out. Ain' nobody goin' come up in hea'." He smiled.

"You should get out before someone does and we both get thrown out. I haven't even got my food yet and I would be pissed." I said.

"We know how much you love ya' food." He laughed. "Whatcha' doin' hea' anyways?"

I scrunched up my face, "I'm on a date."

"A date?" He asked with furrowed brows.

"Yeah I guess that's what you can call it. You?"

"That's wus' up but me and the fellas' at the shop got hungry and decided to come hea'. Waiting for our food and I saw you walk in hea'. Didn't see us cause you was all in ya' phone."

"Well let me go before my food gets cold. See you later."
He stared at me for a moment before stepping aside to let me out.
I listened to Sean as he rambled on and on about himself. Not once did he think to ask me about myself and whenever I did try, it always was flipped back to him and his accomplishments.

"I'm currently working on getting my master's degree as we speak." He smiled.

"That's great." I dug back into my food.

"Yeah I know. My father attended one of the best historical black colleges."

"And what college was that?"

"Howard University."

"That's great to know." I said unimpressed.

"Yes. And my mother went there t----."
I was tired of hearing my and I at this point.

I sat up straight, "You know it's getting late and I have to be to work early. It was a pleasure doing this but I really have to get going." I said cutting him off.

"I've talked so much I didn't realize how fast time flew by." He laughed but I didn't.
He paid for our meals.

Growing up I was always taught that tipping was the polite thing to do, especially if they earned it. I pulled out a ten dollar bill and sat it on the table.

"Why'd you give her that?" Sean asked confused.

"Its her tip for doing good tonight."
"Well isn't it her job to provide us with good service? She doesn't need a tip for that." He laughed.

I closed my eyes and tried to keep my composure.
"It's my money and I do as I please. Thank you."
"So will this date have a part two?" He asked as we stood outside of my car.

"Maybe." I lied.

"Well I would love to go out again."

"Mhm. You have a good night Sean."
He pulled me into a hug and kissed my cheek without even asking permission.
I was turned off already and him coming on this strong made it worse.
What a jerk!

Camila trying y'all!
Awkward run ins with August.
Sean getting that second date?
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