Just Kickin It

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Every man wants a woman,
Where him and her can just go hang.
Just the two of them along, kick back,
Doing their own thing.
And every man wants a woman,
That can always keep him in the mood.
And I'm that kind of girl,
So this is what I tell my dude.

I pulled up at Aug's house, tonight we were going out. I knocked on the door and stepped back waiting for him to open up.

"What's up?" He said opening the door
"Hey you almost read-- I stopped mid sentence after taking a good look at him, "are you OK? You don't look so good."
He sneezed before responding,"I'm coo', just let me put my shoes on and we can roll outta hea'." He said letting me in

"August look at me, you're burning up." I said standing on my tippy toes to touch his head and neck.

"OK I'm not feeling the best, but I ain' wanna cancel after finally getting you to go out with me again."

"Don't worry about me, you need to get better first. Get out these clothes and where's your medicine cabinet ?" I asked looking around.
"Damn, I like when you get demanding, your wish is my command." He said taking off his shirt
"Boy hush. Go get in the bed and I'll be back OK?"
I left and went to the local pharmacy, picking up medicines, soups and other things since August didn't have anything that would help with his cold. I returned to Aug's house and found him laid across his bed acting dramatic.
"Aug get up and take this while I heat up your soup."

I put his soup in the microwave and looked around. His house was very big and nice as hell, just like I expected but he didn't have much furniture or wall decorations.
The microwave started to beep and I took the soup out, carefully going back upstairs.
"Here eat this, and drink that juice when your finished."
"I'm weak, you goin' feed it ta' me?"
"Come on Aug, stop acting like a baby."
"Pleeeease?" He begged with his lip poked out
I shook my head at his foolery, "Sit up." I said sitting next to him on the bed.
After feeding him his soup, he was now drinking his theraflu and watching Paid In Full.
"You know I've never watched this movie before? I confessed.

"Fa sho? This movie tha' shit." He said sipping his drink.
"Why do you keep making that face?
"Cause this bullshit taste nasty, can I put a lil ciroc in hea'?" He said looking over at me.
I couldn't help but to laugh at him, he was so silly. I shook my head no and looked back at the TV.
"You can come closer, I don't bite ya know."
"Thanks, but you have the cooties."
Before I knew it Aug had pulled me closer to him. "You know you actually a coo' lil chick when you not being mean."
"I'm not mean, and you not so bad either."
"Thank you for what you did tonight, I really preciate' it."
"Oh anytime, that's what friends are for right? Besides you looked like hell with those bags and that bright red nose."

There was a long pause before he spoke again.
"Look about what I did, I ain't mean ta make you feel like that aight? I just had some stuff to take care of and you was sleeping so peacefully. Don't be embarrassed either, we both grown and shit happens."

"I mean some breakfast or something would of been nice, but I get it. I'm also sorry for acting the way I did. That was the first time I ever did anything like that and didn't expect for that to happen."

"Damn you really are a goody good, but we coo now right?"

I looked over at him while making the stank face," I guess we are."
"You don't sound to for sure, give me a hug to prove it."
I gave him a quick hug, I tried to pull back, but he only held me closer. Before he let me go he gave me a kiss on the forehead.

Its getting late and you need to rest, I'll check up on you tomorrow."
"You ain't gotta go." He said while holding my hand.
"I don't think me staying here is a good idea."
I had already given him the goods on the first date and now this.
"Just stay, I promise I won't try nothin'. You can stay in one of the guest bedrooms but I'm sick and might stop breathing in the middle of night so I think you should sleep in here."
I wanted wanted to knock that big ass head off his shoulders, I swear I did.
"I have nothing here."
"I got something for you to sleep in, and I got some new toothbrushes unda tha sink."
Taking a deep breath, it was late and I really didn't feel like driving back home.
"Fine...give me the clothes."

After changing into one of Aug's t-shirts and a pair of his boxers, I finger parted my hair into two and braided it down since I didn't have my head scarf.
I brushed my teeth so I wouldn't have morning breath and examined the bathroom, everything was clean and neat, I was very shocked. Once I was finished, I walked out to a half sleep Aug, I quickly grabbed my phone, "Hey Aug?" He turned over and I snapped the pic.
"Man go on wit that playin shit." He said laughing.
I walked over to the other side of the bed and got under the covers. I could feel myself starting to get sleepy, for some reason I wanted to be under him, but I refused and stayed in my own space.
No longer wanting to fight with myself I scooted over to him, to my surprise he wrapped his long arms around my small body, "You so beautiful." He whispered into my ear. I smiled and closed my eyes feeling so secure while in his arms and before I knew it I was fast asleep.
I was suddenly awaken by someone beating August's door down. I then heard loud talking and decided to be nosy as I crept down the stairs so I could hear better.

"August let me in! Who is she and why her car been here all night?" The girl screamed in his face.
"Deja you wildin right now, why you hea? Ridin by my house an shit playing detective?"
"Because I'm tired of you playing games with me August, that's why."
"What I just tell ya lil lady? You should really get the fuck from round hea." August said visibly pissed off now.
"So that's how you doing me? You get some new pussy and you act like I don't even exist! Fuck you August and tell that hoe I'll be seeing her around." I heard her storm away followed by August slamming his door which made me jump.

I stepped from behind the wall.
"I think I should get going." I said about to head up stairs to gather my things.
"Not befa' you eat this breakfast."
I turned around and raised one eyebrow, "breakfast?"
"Yahh so bring ya ass." He said going into his kitchen, I soon followed.

We ate in silence for awhile. This man was perfect, fine as hell, smart, had money, great personality, and to put the icing on the cake he could cook. He was shirtless which exposed his chest tattoo. My eyes wandered all over his body as we ate, I wanted him to bend me over his counter and give it to me from the back.
Snapping out of my thoughts and biting into my pancake, "This is good."
"I know, when you cooking fa me?"
"Whenever you would like."
"I'll remember that." He said smiling

"So that girl from earlier..., who was that? She didn't seem too happy with me being here."
"Don't worry bout ha, she just a lil chick from round da way."
He was lying and I wasn't having it.
"Right, thanks for the breakfast, but I have to go." I said pushing my plate away and standing.

"Why can't we ever just chill and be on some coo shit?"
"Why can't you ever just tell the truth instead of lying? I wasn't born yesterday August, you can't fool me." I said putting on my clothes.
"Aight man, she a lil chick that I been fuckin for a lil while, she want a relationship, but I ain't ready fa all that." He said while sticking his hands in his sweats

I instantly became upset, but I couldn't let it show. How could I be mad at him for screwing her when he didn't even belong to me and was a single man. I was just a friend who happened to sleep with him once but I couldn't help but to think about if he had the same plans for me.

"I'll call you later OK? I said picking up my purse heading back downstairs. I was about to leave out when he spun me around and grabbed my face, "Don't be like that, she don't mean nothin to meh and I'm upfront with all my women."
I nodded my head while staring back into his eyes.
He kissed my cheek and pulled me into a tight hug, "Stop letting stuff get ta ya so easily. You da one I always want around." I let go opening the front door going to my car, making my way home.

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