Dirty Laundry

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When you're soaked in tears for years, it never airs out
When you make pain look this good it never wears out
This dirty laundry, this dirty laundry
-Kelly Rowland

"Oh my god, look at you!" I said as Deja and I embraced each other.
The hug lasted longer than I had expected.
We broke apart and took our seats.

"How have you been? I've wanted to see you for the longest." She said smiling.

"I know, things have been really crazy in my life." I rolled my eyes as I spoke.

"I've heard. I can't believe he would act like that, especially after what he said."

I raised one eyebrow in confusion.
"What did he say?" I asked.

"Like two weeks before your party I had asked about you and what not and he just shrugged and said he didn't care about you." She picked up her fork to eat.

I shook my head.
"I don't ever want to see nor talk to him again." I said honestly.

She put her fork down and wiped her mouth before speaking, "He won't even talk about it when I ask. Just been drinking."

"And that's the problem! He had been drinking when all of that went down. It was so scary Deja. That wasn't August, almost like a demon." I said as I remember him from that night.

She nodded her head as she finished her plate.
"We found out what we're having." She clapped.

"Yay! Are you happy?"

"I am....."

"That's good. Still having problems?" I asked.

"Uhh yeah, but not as bad. I been on a extreme diet since it was confirmed that I had pre eclampsia. It's the worst cause I crave all these things and I'm limited."

"Well just a few more months and you can eat anything you want.."
She laughed.

I looked down at my phone, I had a text from my dad reminding me about dinner. He had been reminding me all week about this. I guess he would be going on the road again for a couple of months and wanted to spend sometime together.

"Well Deja I just came to talk to you, but I have to go."
She poked her lip out. "Already?"

"Yeah. My dad is cooking tonight and wants me to be apart of it." I said as I stood.

She chewed on her lip, "Hey.." She grabbed my hand.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I called you over here because I need help."

"With what? The baby?" I asked.
She shook her head no.

I was getting worried at this poin so I sat back down.
"Deja talk to me!"

"I uhhh, I....I have something to tell you..."
I didn't speak but just waited for her to talk.

"You remember how August said he didn't the baby was his in the beginning? And how I would get angry and quick to correct anyone who said it wasn't?"

"Oh my God. Deja please don't tell me what I think you're about to."

"I'm sorry...."

"Oh no." I put my face into my hands for a second.
"Does he know?"

She looked away and shook her head no.

"I can't help you with this." I said standing to my feet again and walking out.

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