Best Thing I Never Had

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Thank God you blew it
I thank God I dodged the bullet
I'm so over you
So baby good lookin' out

I pulled up to my destination. I put the car in park and shot Lani a quick text to let her know I had arrived. I gathered my things, making sure to put my taser in my purse. I looked around before getting out my car and walked up the long brick driveway. I was thankful I wasn't wearing any heels but tennis shoes instead today. Once I finally made it to the front door, I rang the door bell and stepped back just a little. I took a deep breath when I heard the door unlock, August would kill me if he knew I was here.

"Hi Camila." A smiling Odell appeared.
I half smiled, "Hey Odell."
"You sure seem excited to be here, come in."
Odell and Chanel had a beautiful home, as soon as you stepped in there was a professional maternity photo of Chanel showing off her growing baby bump, I disliked her but I loved the photo.

I followed Odell into their den and took a seat.
"Can I get you anything to drink."
I thought about it before speaking up, "No thank you, I'm fine."
I've been very cautious every since that talk we had back in Houston, exactly why I had my taser on me if this nigga tried anything.

"Ookay then." He said sitting down.

My legs shook as I chewed on my lip.
"You ok?" He asked concerned.

"Yeah." I simply replied

"So, how have you been?"

I rolled my eyes, "Cut the shit Odell."

"Alright look, I'm sorry for coming at you the way I did a few weeks back, I, I just love you and I hate to see you falling in love with that piece of shit dude!" He said getting loud.

"You need to calm down, and don't worry about who I choose to love, you need to worry about your fiancé and her pathetic friend running around here spreading lies and rumors."

"What are you talking about? Chanel is way too classy and busy to be out here doing such thing."

"Oh please." I said getting irritated at how stupid he sounded.

"Listen I didn't mean what I said, I had been drinking and---"

I cut him off, "The truth always comes out when you're drunk, remember that night? My face sure does." I said sitting back, smirking.

He took a deep breath, "You know, you and that mouth is part of what got you where we're at right now."

"Oh really? Cause you're the one begging me to come back into your life right now. You know I'm really glad we broke up and that you came back around because I see the real you. All these years you made me feel like the break up was my fault when all along it was yours, you had me brainwashed, but not anymore." I said getting up.

I stopped in my tracks and turned around to face him, "Oh and the next time you threaten me, I'll have my piece of shit dude by the name of August make you eat your words." I opened up the door only to be greeted with Chanel, she looked up in utter shock that I was standing in front of her.
"Great, this bitch." I said in my head.

"What are you doing here, in my home?"

"Your lovely fiancé invited me over." I said while smiling

"Is that true?" She stepped inside to talk to Odell.

He was silent.

"Odell I'm talking to you!"

"Fuck Chanel, yes I did."


"Because we needed to talk that's why."

"Talk? What do you two have to talk about?"

"Yeah Odell, what did we have to talk about?" I said butting in.

"Chanel, go upstairs please."

"Excuse me? You invite her to our home, while I'm not here at that and you want me to act like this is OK?"

"Nothing happened, we just talked."

"And I'm suppose to believe that, after all the times you've told me how she pushes herself onto you, always calling and texting so you guys can meet up?"

"Odell you better tell the fucking truth before I send these screenshots to your "wifey." I said getting angry.
I couldn't believe how he had flipped this around and made it seem like I was the one who was after him. No telling what else he'd been lying about.

"Chanel I promise I'll explain everything to you, just go upstairs and calm down, you're carrying my child remember?"

A look of disgust came over me.

"You're right because I am the one with the ring and carrying your child."

"I'm gon' kick your mutha' fuckin ass, but until you have this baby tell your desperate friend Deja, I'll gladly whoop her ass in the meantime." I said taking my finger and waving it in her face."

She just looked at me before heading upstairs.

He made sure Chanel was out of view and in their bedroom before he spoke again, "What the fuck is wrong with you?" He asked through clenched teeth.

"I want nothing to do with you, don't call me or text me ever again."

"You will not tell me what I can and can not do when it comes to you, we're apart of each other forever, remember?"

"Your fucking messed up in the head, stay away from me."

He stepped closer to me, " You really think this is a game huh? You'll never be able to escape me. I found you after years of searching and I promise you'll never leave my sight again. He asked while laughing.

I shook my head and ran back to my car. I pulled out of their driveway as fast as I could, his words repeating in my head. I was now beginning to think that running into Odell wasn't on accident, but more like all apart of his plan.

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