Aching Silence

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Sitting here thinking of you
Everything we went through
Hurt anger anguish and pain
The happy moments that made me smile
Knowing that it was cause of you all the while
Wondering how things could've been different
Wishing things were different
And even though you've moved on
My heart is still torn
I've tried to come to terms with my feelings
But no matter what I try it's to no avail
You're happy and I'm proud for you
I still love you but if you ask
I'll deny it's true
Only in hopes to convince myself not you
I sit alone with my own thoughts
I cry alone so no one knows I still care
I could never admit it to you
But the love we had was pure and true
The trust may have faltered
And now tears fall everyday silently like water
I want to move on but I don't know how
I want to love again but my heart won't show me how
I want you to know that every time it rains
That's me shedding my silent tears of pain

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