Chapter 6

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Marly's POV

I put the giant plate of bacon on the dining room table along with the others. I can't believe i fucking kissed him.

Im so stupid, it was already hard to stay away and now all i can think about is that kiss. Why does he have this effect on me. Why? him out of everyone i could love.

8 planets

204 countries

7 seas

7707 islands

7,594,000,000 people

And im in love with the one person i can't trust with my heart. I know those numbers of the top of my head. I know a lot more but the one thing i need to know is how to rip him out of my hear and i can't do that.

"Apporte l' extérieur" (Bring the outside in) i tell my house so Angel and Maddox wake up. I can't believe i actually brought him here. I should have left him in that bar but i couldn't risk him getting hurt or him hurting someone else.

Maddox walks in shirtless out of the elevator holding Angel. Why do they get along so well? "He can walk you know." Angel wiggles out of his hands so he could run to me. Maddox points behind him.

"Did the room woke me up? Because out of nowhere i was in a green tree room with birds and soft rain noises." He sits down and bites a pice of pancake like a cookie.

Why is he pretending him being here is normal?

I nod serving a plate for Angel. "Studies show that the human brain reacts to being surrounded by nature in the morning in a positive way so it gets you up ready to take on the world bec.." i stop my rant when Maddox looks at me smiling.

I clear my throat "i mean yes a room woke you up." I nod serving my plate. Maddox looks at Angel and they both start laughing at me. "Bullies." I mumble making them laugh harder.


I eat quietly listening to them talk and joke. Angel really likes him, that scares me because the closer they get the harder it's going to be. Maddox will get tired of the good guy routine.

He will focuses on something else leaving him behind.

Angel gets up from the table and takes his plate to the sink. "I'm going to do my homework for the weekend." He gives me a kiss on the cheek then waves to Maddox walking away.

Maddox points at the elevator where Angel left. "Did he just left to do 'homework' on his own?" He puts air quotes around homework. "He is 4! And i don't give out homework."

He takes all of the plates to the sink. He cleans them and i dry them. "He gives himself homework. I tried to get him to use the play room more but he"

Maddox puts me on top of the counter. He wraps his hand around my waist and cups my face with the other. He looks into my eyes and he is so close that our lips are almost touching.

"I love you." He interrupt me.

"I love you, I didn't mean to fuck everything up. I want you. I want us. I want it all with you. Just give me another chance. Not to hurt you but to love you like i should have in the first place."

"If you give it to me i will do everything in my power to keep you even though i won't be deserving because i will never deserve you. I never have."

I don't know if he's being honest or if I'm lying to myself because i want it all to be true so bad. "Me without you is just a self hating drunk that can't connect with anyone else and i honestly don't want to."

"YOU make me better but you used to love me for me, the stupid and all. That drunk night cost me everything so i won't touch a drop of alcohol if that's what you want. Can you give me another chance?" His eye are actually glazed over.

He look at me waiting waiting for my answer.

"M" the house interrupt me "Appelez d' urgence de Tony Sosa." (Urgent call from Tony Sosa) i put my hands on his chest and push him off.

"Appelez-en." (Answer call) i say up at the ceiling ignoring the sad look on Maddox's face.


All through his freak out, i already called Angel and was walking out of the door with Maddox when he ended his sentence. "I know her hospital!!" Maddox yells running with Angel in his arms.

I transfer the call to the range rover while Maddox puts Angel on his seat. "Maddox is here. We will be in there in 17 minutes and w." Tony hangs up before I could finish and I could hear Emma screaming on the other side.

Maddox barely closes his door when i start to drive.


Maddox's POV

Emma and Tony have been in there for hours. It's almost 9:30pm and we have been here since the morning. They weren't telling us anything but it turns out that Marly knows the head of the hospital so she called him.

She wasn't due for another month but they had to do an emergency C-section. The baby was in dire stress and immediate delivery was the only option. There were more big words that Marly told us but she dumped it down for us.

The baby also had the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck which cause her to be stillborn but they were able to save her. We can't see them but Tony did come to us

He was crying and shaking when he came to tell us the baby's name. Lexi. As soon as Jake hugged him he broke down.

Emma is being treated because she has internal bleeding and she flat lined. Marly flew over a surgeon to treat Emma because they were saying that after this she wouldn't have anymore babies.

It's the same one that treated her.

Angel was getting bored so Marly called Luna and Luther to see if they could take him for the night. They immediately said yes making Zabdiel and Angel very happy.

Jake got us food and gave Barb and Olive a ride home because they were making things worst. Olive thought this was a good time to mess with Marly and Barb thought this was a good time to talk about death then shopping then back to death.

I just know that Marly was close to slapping them.

Jake fell asleep 2 hours ago and Marly looks like she is dozing off. "Here" i pick her up and sit her next to me with her head on my chest and her legs on top of mine.

I put my jacket over her as a blanket so she doesn't get cold. I love having her so close to me, she feels right. "Mad no."

Mad not mr. king

She tries to get up but i cage her in and i kiss her forehead. "Just sleep Angel." She sighs and cuddles closer to me.


10 minutes later.

10 minutes later

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