Dress Shopping (PlayVetCap)

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Note: Veteran uses she/her, he/him and xe/xer pronouns in this fic.  If it's a bit hard toget used to I get it, but neopronouns are valid and should be normalized.  Also, this is a fic for my friends birthday, and vae headcanons her using those pronouns.  Feels weird to mention him two fics in a row lol but that friend is idrinkpastaforalivin.  Sorry it wouldn't let me tag you- they're tagged in the fic before this!  Sorry for this being late! ^^

Veteran immediately spotted where he wanted to go after walking in the store. His two boyfriends, Player and Captain followed her.  The two had promised to take Veteran shopping for dresses, which he had a love for wearing, the other day after xe had a bad sensory day.  

Player and Captain smiled and held hands as their partner bounded ahead to the clothes.  They got there soon enough and Veteran began running his hands over the different fabrics.

The dresses were nice, even if they weren't super luxurious.  They were more expensive than the places the 3 usually got their clothes.  

Veteran had been interested in wearing dresses for a while, but it took a while for him to tell Player and longer for her to tell Captain.  Soon after Veteran discovered xe was genderfluid.  Her boyfriends, who were both trans men themselves, accepted him immediately.  

Player regretted not taking Veteran shopping beforehand.  Seeing his partner so happy meant the world to him.  He dreaded the time when he would have to Veteran she had too many.

Veteran, surprisingly, hadn't chosen any yet.  Xe was looking at a certain dress, and had been for a bit.  His eyes squinted like he was deep in thought.

"What is he doing?" Captain tried to whisper to Player, but ended up saying so Veteran could hear.

Veteran looked over.  "I'm deciding if this specific shade of green matches my eyes," she said before going back to looking.

Player laughed a little at that and soon Veteran grabbed the dress and went deeper down the aisle.

Soon enough xe made a happy stim sound at seeing one of the dresses.  He picked it up immediately and smoothed it out.  "It's gorgeous..."

Veteran tended to hide xyr excitement for dresses- or anything, really- around most people.  Player enjoyed seeing him care about something outwardly so much.

Veteran looked at something on the back and frowned.  Player and Captain came over and saw a high price tag, higher than all of them independently decided they would spend on one dress.  Player and Captain looked at each other.

Veteran made a sad sound and put it back.  He turned to her boyfriends and smiled.  "It's okay dudes!  Life can't always be fair."

Xe went back to looking, but didn't get anymore.  He looked at some for a few seconds but soon moved on.

Captain felt bad she couldn't get the dress she really liked. He spotted a dress that seemed to him similar to the one Veteran had to put down.  He went over to it and showed Veteran.

Veteran frowned.  "That's not like my dress I wanted at all!"

Captain gawked.  "It's gray isn't it! And long!  Has this-whatever you call it in the middle!"

"It has these ruffles here at the bottom- doesn't fit the vibe at all," Veteran shook his head, sounding passionate.  She smiled sadly.  "Thank you, though, Captain!"

"Wow, you are a diva when it comes to these dresses, aren't you?" Captain said.

"You think I'm a diva?  You should see Cyan and Mr Egg shopping for dresses!" Veteran said, laughing.  He was clearly still sad about the dress.

Player then also found a dress he thought was similar to the other.  He pointed it out to Veteran. 

Veteran clearly liked this one more.  He picked it up immediately, eyeing it like she did the first one.  "Hmm... not sure if I like the way the texture looks, and it definitely doesn't match the one I put down... but I do like it.  Thanks Player!"  He had a bittersweet smile on xyr face.  

He went back to looking, getting a few dresses.  He smiled widely at a few of them, but didn't seem to like any as much as the one.  Player and Captain both wished they could get it for her.  It was supposed to be a day of spending without much care of cost.  

Captain went over and looked at the dress.  He admired its beauty, even if he would never wear a dress himself.  It was very soft, he felt.

Captain sighed and beckoned to Player.  "I want to get it..." Captain said.

Player smiled.  "I figured." Both of them didn't like to spend excess money, but they both couldn't make Veteran upset.  "It makes it harder that she was so accepting of the fact we couldn't buy it!"

"I mean, come on," Captain said, nudging Player.  "Why not?  He clearly loves it."

Player looks at the dress and frowns.  "It's just a dress, like all the others.  But, ya.  Let xem get it."

Captain laughs and goes over to Veteran.  "Good news! Player and I decided you could get the dress you really liked."

Veteran didn't attempt to turn it down.  He made a very happy sound and ran over to it, grabbing it staring at it happily.

"I think we can go now!" Veteran announced cheerfully.

"Really?" Captain said, expecting to be there a while.

"Ehhh... nah," Veteran then denied, chuckling.  "I want to get more."

The other two laughed while she continued to look for more for quiet some time.  After a while, they all decided to leave.  It wasn't hard to get her to leave like Player expected.

On the way out, Veteran skipped a little, holding all the dresses himself and denying Captain and Player's offers to hold some.  He suddenly skidded to a stop soon before leaving the store, making both of the others stop surprised.  

Veteran smiled widely and grabbed one last dress.

Xe then resumed skipping to check out.  All 3 of them cringed a bit at the price tag but didn't mind too much.

They all got home soon, and Veteran immediately went to wear them all and show them to his boyfriends.

She saved the best for last.  She twirled while wearing it, giggling.  "It feels so good!"

"You look really good in it," Player said.  He never really had a thing for feminity, men or women, but he loved the way Veteran looked.  Captain smiled widely watching him as well.

Veteran giggled more, clearly ecstatic.  "Thank you guys so much!"  Xe hugged Player and Captain, both of them having to be careful not to step on the dress.  

Soon enough, Veteran started putting all the dresses away.  He kept that one on, however.

"Are you ever gonna take that off?" Captain asked while sitting on the bed.

Veteran looked over at him with his eyes twinkling.  "Nope!"

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