Please Come Home (Capvet)

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TW // suicide .  Please be careful, this is the main plot of the story.  Please be safe, you are important and worth it.  Please reach out to someone if you are having suicidal thoughts, or wants to self-harm.

Captain called Veteran.  No answer.  Captain tried again- no answer.  Captain tried yet again, and was answered.

"What?" Veteran's voice came out of the other side of the phone, strained and anxious, a slight bite in his voice that was rarely there when he normally talked to Captain. 

"Veteran?  Thank you for answering... where are you? I'm worried for you."

"Ya I figured..." Veteran sighed. 

"Please come home!" Captain said.  "I know what you're gonna do... please don't..."

"I'm sorry for hurting you," Veteran said numbly, looking down the steep fall of the hill.

"When?  You don't hurt me!  I love you!"

"I meant what I'm going to do."

"Please don't!" Captain begged.  "Why do you even want to?"

Veteran shrugged, despite being on the phone.  "It's too tiring to even explain.  I'm just tired and sucky.  You'll be better off without me anyway."

"Veteran you're amazing..."

Veteran sniffled.  "Glad you think so, but it doesn't matter.  It's not true...."

"No!  I know you're good.  I know the world is better with you in it.  You make me happy..." Captain began to plead, unsure what to say.

Veteran sniffled.  "I don't know, Cappy..."

"Please come home... I'll be there when you come back... I'll always be here for you.  You'll get better... okay...?"

Veteran sniffled and looked down the side of the cliff again.  An unalterable decision.

"I love you Cappy..." Veteran whispered. 

"Are you okay Veteran?  Veteran?" Captain didn't get an answer and he began to panic.  "Veteran?"

"I'm here," Veteran said.  "I'm just tired."

"Whatever you need, to talk, to sleep, to cuddle, whatever, you can do it with me!  Come home.."

"Home..." Veteran said gazing into the dark void below.

"Yes home.  Your home is with me and with our friends and family.  Not dead.  You're my home!"

"You're my home too Cap..."

"I'll drive to you if you need me to.  I will.  I will.  Your life matters.  Even if you didn't have me your life would matter.  Please Veteran!"

There was an agonizingly long silence, before Veteran spoke up again.  "Okay, Cappy... you can drive to me.

"Yes!" Captain said, clearly relieved, immediately starting to get ready.  He had been in pajamas, but didn't bother changing.  He put on a coat and shoes. 

"Where are you?" He asked as he left the house and shut the door.  "Vet are you still there?"

"Yes... I'm at the hill.  By the park."

"Thank you darling," Captain said as he hurriedly turned on the car.  "I'll put you on speaker.  I'll stay on the phone okay?  You're safe.  You're loved."

"Okay..." Veteran numbly responded.

Captain repeated comforting phrases as he quickly drives.  "I love you, I'm almost there, you're perfect..."

Captain drove up the hill as far as he could, until he couldn't.  He parked the car on a small parking lot and ran up the rest up the way.

Captain's pure adrenaline helped him up the hill.  He started running horizontally when he reached the top and didn't see Veteran.  He began to call out for Veteran, until he saw his blonde hair past a couple of trees.

Captain ran into the clearing, hurriedly taking Veteran into his arms.  He breathed heavily as Veteran was eerily quiet and still.

Captain needed to be strong, he realized.  "Come on Vet... I'm sorry we have to walk down for a little, but we'll be in the car and then home in no time... come on..."

Veteran simply nodded and walked down the large hill with Captain, who held his hand.

Captain worried momentarily they was lost, but eventually saw his car and breathed a sigh of relief. 

Veteran got in the passengers seat, and Captain started the car.  He looked to Veteran, seeing him staring out the window.  Captain softly took Veteran's hand again, rubbing his thumb over Veteran's.

"I love you," Captain said.  "Thank you for not jumping."

Veteran looked at Captain.  "Love you too... let's go home..."

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