A Second Chance (Hunter x Mother)

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Hunter held in his hands a bouquet of roses, two childrens gifts, and his heart.  Well, that last one was purely metaphorical, but that's how he felt.  Hunter hadn't been romantic, or emotionally close at all, with anyone for a while. 

But today, he was going to see Mother, a beautiful women who'd recently entered his life.  She had two kids, explaining the toys.  They had went out a couple times, but nothing was official.  Hunter planned to change that. 

He rang the doorbell and patiently waited. He heard Mother's footsteps coming from inside, pouring and louder until she opened the door.

"Hey Hunter!" Mother greeted happily. She had Franklin on her hip. "Oh, what's all that?"

"Hello Mother," Hunter blushed. "May I come in first?"

"You may!" Mother smiled, and Hunter walked in. The sense of peace and belonging that Mother's house always carried washed over Hunter again.

Hunter sighed. "Well, I got your kids these gifts."

"Oh thank you!" Mother said. She showed one of the toys to Franklin, who took it. She set Franklin down, handing him both toys. "Go run along and play with your brother, now. If you try to hide Timmy's gift from him, I'll find out."

They both watched Franklin leave, and Mother turned back to Hunter. He cleared his throat. "I also got you these flowers.

"Well how nice!" Mother smiled, taking them from him. "You're such a gentleman."

Hunter's cheeks became more red. "Well, Mother, really I wanted to ask you something."

"Go ahead," Mother said, smelling the flowers.

Hunter took a deep breath. "I think you're a really nice lady, and I've had a lot of fun with you this past month. I think your kids are fun, too. So I was just, uh, wondering if you wanted to start dating."

"Ohh... uh," Mother said. "Hunter, I thought we already were dating!"

"...What?" Hunter's throat felt dry.

"I thought we were going on dates," Mother explained. "Just that you were the type of guy who wanted to take it slow and all."

"Ooooh..." Hunter blushed.

"Don't be embarrassed. This means I am saying yes to your question," Mother smiled.

"Oh... so, we're dating?"


"Oh that's wonderful," Hunter blurted out. "Honestly..." he sighed, his emotions bubbling to the surface. "After my wife left... I didn't think I'd ever get with anyone, or meet anyone who'd I like, and who liked me. But you're... you've really changed my mind."

Mother smiled and put a hand on Hunter's shoulder. "I understand, Hunter. I thought it would be impossible to find someone who'd not mind I'm a divorced single mother... kids are a real turnoff for many... but here you are."

Hunter blushed at the touch. "I care about your kids."

"Well that's good, because I do too," Mother said. She got a bit closer. "May I... kiss you?"

"Uh-uh-yes!" Hunter exclaimed. They then both inched closer, until their lips were touching. After a moment, Mother pulled away. It was a quick, but wonderful kiss.

Hunter felt like a kid again, his knees wobbly.

Mother giggled. "Thanks Hunter. For making me feel young again for the first time in a while."

"I feel the same!" Hunter told her. He had been worried earlier, but hopeful. He hadn't imagined it would turn out so wonderfully.

Mother blushed and took his hand. "Come on, let's sit down. And later, we can get dinner with them kids."

Hunter's chest felt like it was too full of anxiety to respond, but he did. "Sounds good!"

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