Chapter 10: Dead but Alive

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A week passed and I haven't seen the evil spirit who was after me for awhile. Not that I'm upset about it because believe me, I'm not. "Lydia you ready? I'm going to drop you off at class on my way to work!" Kayleen yelled from the living room. I got dressed. I put on some dark blue jeans my black vans and a plain Harry Styles sweatshirt that I got for my 16th birthday. You could say that once you fall in love with someone you'll never be able to unfall in love with them. I was obsessed with Harry Styles and 1D in high school that'll never ever change. "Coming!" I yelled grabbing my purse and books running out the door.


When I arrived at class I saw Ryan standing by the door along with the rest of the students in our criminal justice class. "What happened?" I asked Ryan as I walked up beside him. "I don't know... there was just a letter from the Professor saying class is cancelled." Ryan said shrugging his arms. I looked around and saw James sitting on a bench. I slowly walked over to him. "James, what are you doing here?" I asked him confused on why he was out here. "The man is over there." He said pointing to the crowd of people walking out of the class building next to ours. I thought for a minute on what he meant by the man. The evil spirit man? Or the man who told him the light was bad. "There the one in the blue sweatshirt!" James said quickly and loudly. I turned my head and saw him. He had dark black hair and looked kinda pale. Almost looked as if he was dead but he wasn't. I took a deep breathe and began to walk over. Thinking of what to say or what I should do. Maybe this was a bad decision. Too late I'm already here. "Hey" I said quickly walking in front of him which stopped him in a halt. "Hi?" He said looking at me weirdly. "What's your name?" I asked. "Damien" He said not showing a single ounce of emotion. "Lydia" I said with a straight face. He stared at me for a bit then said "Do you need help with something?" I shook my head. "No, no I'm fine.... actually I have a quick question." He nodded his head. "Why are you telling ghost that the light is bad?" I said quickly and sharply. I could feel the air around us thicken as if saying this was too sudden and that it was probably a bad idea to confront him like this. At least it was during the day and around like a bunch of people. Damien opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted before words could come out. "Hey" Ryan said walking up to us. "Ryan this is Damien, Damien this is Ryan." I said introducing them trying to get off topic. Damien noticed that I haven't told Ryan about my gift yet. He smirked an evil smirk. "Hello Ryan, nice to meet you" Damien said. His smug little smile made me angry. Even though I just met him, I already hated him. "I've gotta get going but it was nice meeting you two." He said before walking away. But as he passed me he whispered in my ear. "Looks like you should stop questioning me before people find out about your little gift." I felt a cold chill run down my spine as his cold slick breathe ran across my neck and ear. "You just met him?" Ryan asked smiling pulling his backpack up which was slowly sliding off his shoulder. I nodded my head and smiled. "Yeah I ran into him and he introduced himself." I said lying straight to Ryan's face. Ryan smiled "Oh cool." I nodded my head and smiled. "So ummm Lydia I was wondering ya know if you wanted to maybe umm go on like a second date?" He said rubbing his neck while looking down at his feet which were scrapping each other. I could tell he was nervous, he couldn't even look me in the eye. I smiled and connected our hands. "I'd love too" I said smiling. Ryan looked up and a huge smile was plastered across his face. "Good, let me take you home so you can get ready and then I'll pick you up at 7 okay?" I smiled and pulled his arms closer to me making our bodies touch as we walked to his car. "Okay."

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