Chapter 23: Lets Finish This

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It's been a few weeks since the funeral and stuff. My mom has held most of herself together trying not to break down in front of me but I know she's more upset then anyone else. Andrew and Kayleen are leaving today to head back to Los Angeles but Ryan decided he'd stay with me until I wanted to leave.

I didn't wanna leave until I figured out how to get James to cross over to the other side. I didn't wanna bring it up with my mom yet considering all that's been happening but if I'm ever going to get through all this I need to get him to cross over and to leave me alone.

"Mom me and Ryan are leaving to take Andrew and Kayleen to the airport do you need anything while I'm gone?" I asked to her before walking out the front door.

"No honey I'm fine but thanks" She said with a smile as she continued to flip through the channels in the living room.

I nodded and left closing the door behind me.

"How do you think she's holding up?" Ryan asked as we walked to the car.

"I don't know... I think she's slowly getting to the point of understanding that this was what had to happen but I don't know.... i guess everything happens for a reason." I said getting into the car.

Andrew and Kayleen were sitting in the back while the luggage was placed in the trunk.

"You guys ready?" Ryan asked to them from the drivers seat.

They nodded their heads and put in there seat belts.

"To the airport we go." Ryan said pulling out of the driveway.

* At The Airport *

"Be safe you guys okay?" I said hugging both Andrew and Kayleen at the same time.

"We will don't worry." Kayleen said hugging me tightly.

"We'll see you soon." Andrew said hugging me tightly as well.

They both walked away to board the plane. I waved goodbye as they got farther and farther away.

"So what are we going to do now?" Ryan asked wrapping his arms around me.

"I don't know.... Time to go home and get answers I guess. It's time we finish this."

We drove back home but first we stopped to get my mom coffee. She may not have asked for anything but I know she would have wanted coffee she always wants coffee.

"Here you go mom." I said giving her her hot coffee.

"Aww thank you Lydia." She said with a smile.

I smiled back and sat down right beside her. Ryan didn't stay in the room because he thought I should talk to her alone which was very nice of him because I did need to talk to her alone.

"Mom..." I said softly

"Yeah sweetheart."

I snuggled up to my mom as we both drank our coffees. She pulled the blanket over us as I leaned my head on her shoulder.

"Is this about James..." she said before I could even start to speak.

I nodded my head.

"I know sweetheart, I'm sorry for what I did... I thought after I told him that you hated him he would have left since he had no reason to stay anymore but I guess he wanted to get payback for what I said."

"It's okay Mom you were doing what you thought was best for the both of us...."

"Still it was wrong of me to do so..."

I wrapped my arm around her arm and I moved closer to snuggle up more.

"How are we going to get him to crossover now?" I asked.

"We need to bring him somewhere where there are a lot of memories the two of you shared. Make him feel nostalgic enough and maybe he'll realize that what he has been doing is wrong and maybe then he'll see the light and crossover. Most of the times when a ghost doesn't crossover it's because they have unfinished business. Maybe you saying you don't hate him and that you've missed him all these years will show him that what I said 8 years ago isn't true."

"How do I get him to come to the spot where we shared many memories?" I asked.

"You just gotta think of him and he'll come."

"It's that easy?" I asked chuckling unsure if that'll actually work or not.

"Yes honey it's that easy. The hard part will be talking to him and trying to convince him."

"Thanks mom" I said hugging her tightly.

"You're welcome sweetheart it's the least I can do since I'm the one who started all this."

* Later that night *

"So it's just that easy to get rid of him?" Ryan asked as we laid on my old bed together starring up at the ceiling.

"Yup pretty much."

"I'm glad all your misery will be gone soon." Ryan said placing his arms around me pulling me onto his chest.

"See that's just the thing, sure James did bad things to me but seeing it now like honestly seeing it now.... He wasn't my source of misery. I Forgive him for what's he's done. I just hope he forgives me."

Ryan lifted my face up with his big hands and placed a bunch of small kisses all over my face.

"If someone can't forgive your beautiful face then nobody can forgive anything in this world." He said pulling me into his lips for a long lasting kiss.

It's been so hectic lately I kinda forgot what it was like to be with Ryan and just him.

"I love you Ryan." I said leaning back for some air.

He smiled and pulled a piece of my hair out of my face placing it behind my ear.

"I love you too Lydia."


Author's Note~ It's almost over!!! Just a few chapters left probably two left seeing as it'll then be 25 chapters and I'm a weirdo who has to have things perfect like that lol! Thanks for everyone who has read this story! Crazy to see I'm about to hit 1K views!

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