Chapter 4: Night Out

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AUTHORS NOTE~~ Hey everyone I hope you're liking this fanfic I have a really good idea of where I'm going with it so I hope you just stay tuned and keep reading!!!! Thanks for the support!!<3


"Hey Lyds how was your first day?" Kayleen asked grabbing her car keys off the table. "Good good I ummm I met this boy in my criminal justice class and he seems really sweet and he's really fucking hot" I said laughing. "ooooo do tell" Kayleen said sitting on the top of the couch smiling. "Well his name is Ryan he has pretty blue eyes and nice short clean cut brown hair and his smile oh my god Kayleen his smile is to die for" I could tell I was blushing hardcore. "Awww Lydia I'm happy for you you deserve this" She said hugging me. "Thanks Kayleen" I said holding her tightly. "Where's Andrew?" I asked "Oh he'll be back shortly, I've gotta run to my car quickly ill be right back okay" I nodded. Kayleen opened the door and left. I went to my bedroom to change into something else because I didn't wanna be in this dress all day even though Ryan said he liked it. Maybe I will keep it on actually I mean what the hell why not. I closed my closet and turned toward the door. A man stood there. I jumped back a little. "Oh my god you scared me, who are you?" I asked holding my chest. A slow deep creepy monotone voice spoke from within the darkness of the door. "My name is not important" The man said. "What do you want? Do you need help going into the light" I asked. The man chuckled "The light? The light isn't for me" I took a deep breathe "than what do you want?" a moment of silence came over the room and at the right specific moment a cloud must have come over the sun because the room went dark. "You" the man said. "Me?" I said quietly. "You... I want you" the man said in a deep voice. I could feel a cold chill run down my spine as he said he wanted me. I've never met a ghost this scary before. My hand began to shake along with my legs. I closed my eyes for a split second to reopen them to the man gone and the room bright again. I looked around going in a complete 360 to see he was gone no where to be found. I heard the front door open. I ran out there and saw Kayleen standing there with a bag. "Lydia are you alright? You look like you've seen a gho.... you saw a ghost didn't you?" She asked setting the bag down. I nodded my head "What did it want?" She asked. I could feel a lump in my throat as I was barely able to speak I was in such fear. "Me.."


Kayleen, Andrew, and I decided we'd go out tonight since it was our first full day in LA. And Kayleen thought it'd be a good idea for me to get out of the house and clear my head after what had just transpired. "Our first outting together guys this is exciting" Andrew said with a cheeky smile. "I know ahhhh! I'm so excited!!" Kayleen basically yelled. "What about you Lyds aren't you excited?" Andrew asked. I nodded my head "Yeah yeah I'm... Im excited" I said quietly just focusing on the road ahead. We arrived at the club. "Wow" Kayleen said in awe. "Yeah wow indeed" Andrew said in shock of how intense the club looked. "Money" the entrance man said lifting out his hand. Andrew handed him the money and we walked in. Rave music was pounding through my ears and lights were shooting out all over the room. It took a second for my eyes to get used to. A women came up to us. "Welcome to club Avalon" I smiled "Thank you" she smiled "Here since this is our first night open we are giving everyone 2 free drinks" the girl handed Kayleen a blue and red slip then handed Andrew a green and blue slip and then me a purple and black slip. "Enjoy" the girl said walking off. "Okay weird" I chuckled walking over to the bar. Andrew and Kayleen went out onto the dance floor as I just sat at the bar. I didn't really feel like dowsing myself in a bunch of drunk crazy people right now. My mind was to focused on the man in my room. "Lydia?" A voice said from the left of me. I turned my head and saw him. "Ryan?" I said smiling. "Hey what are you doing here?" He said sitting down beside me. "Just here with a couple of friends." I said smiling. "I see you haven't used your free drinks yet." he said looking at the purple and black slips in my hand. "Oh yeah no I don't really drink" I said chuckling. "Do you want then?" I asked sticking out my hand for him to take. "Oh no no I don't drink" he said with a sweet innocent smile. "Oh." So he's not a drinker but he's here at this club? Sketchy. "So what are you doing here?" I asked. "Here with a couple friends as well. Here they are right now." Three guys walked up. "Hey I'm Liam" one of the tall very good looking boys said. "Lydia" I said shaking his hand. "I'm Niall" the other shorter blonde haired boy said. "Nice to meet you" I said shaking his hand. "Harry" the last boy said. I shook his hand "Pleasure." "Ryan we're going to go get some chicks so we'll cya in a bit" Liam said walking away with Niall and Harry. "They seem like they're not douches at all" I said in a sarcastic tone of voice. Ryan laughed "They really aren't though" I smiled and looked back into the crowd to spot Andrew and Kayleen but I couldn't see them. All the lights went out in the building suddenly. "Wow guess they haven't got all the electric stuff sorted yet" Ryan said laughing. Being in the dark made me nervous and to be honesty it made me scared. A couple seconds later the lights turned back on. At that very moment I saw him... "Not here" I whispered. The strobe lights flickered above him making it look like he was slowly walking towards me. "No!" I screamed. Ryan looked at me and grabbed my hand "what's wrong?" He said worriedly. I got up and ran as fast as I could out the door. I stood outside with my hands on my knees. "LYDIA!" Kayleen yelled out to me. "What happened!?" She said placing her hand on my back. Andrew followed shortly behind her "Lyds what's wrong?" I could feel myself crying now because I was so scared. "He was in there the man from earlier he was in there" "LYDIA! LYDIA!" Ryan yelled out chasing me. "There you are! What's wrong are you okay?" "Who are you!" Kayleen asked. "I'm Ryan" he said quickly not really focusing on there conversation but on me instead. "Oh you're Ryan?" She asked. "Yeah im Ryan?" He said confused but then brushing it off to refocus on me. "I just need to get home" I said. "Okay let's go" Andrew said grabbing ahold of me and bringing me to the car. "Lydia... I'll um I guess see you later?" Ryan said standing behind me as I walked away from him. I didn't respond. I just kept walking.

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