Chapter 19: Morning Tease

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* The Next Morning *

( Ryan's POV )

My eyes opened to the brightness of the sun shining through the window. The birds chirping and the trees swaying back and forth with the morning breeze.

I looked over at Lydia who was still fast asleep. I turned over to look at the clock which said 7:34am. I slowly got out of the bed moving over the covers trying not to wake her up. She still looked so peaceful. Her mouth was slightly open while she slept. It was cute.

I placed a small kiss on her cheek and hopped out of the bed. I stretched and walked over to the mirror that was placed on the back of the door. My hair was all ruffled and messy. Guess I slept really well last night. Whenever I'm with her I sleep well.

I walked over to the dresser and pulled out a plain white t-shirt to put over my bare chest. I opened the door slowly as it made a slow creaking noise. I walked downstairs to the kitchen which was still full of food and stuff from the last time I was here.

Normally me and my family come down here on breaks and stuff but I decided I'd come down here with Lydia just to get her away from all of reality. She needed this alone time. And so did I to be honest.

I grabbed all of the stuff to make breakfast. Pancake mix, Waffle mix, bacon, eggs, toast, and all different kinds of fruit. I always liked making breakfast for her. Her reaction once she sees all the work I put into making her happy is what makes it all worth it.

After about 45 minutes of preparing breakfast I heard a ruffled noise coming from upstairs. She must be awake now. I placed all the food on the island table neatly and placed a couple roses in a vase with lite red candles next to it.


( Lydia's POV )

I moved slightly to the left of me to place my hand on Ryan's chest but he wasn't there. I looked around the room and he wasn't here. The door was slightly cracked open which was emitting a delicious smell into the room.

Ryan must be making breakfast downstairs again. He tends to do this after a good night.

I got out of bed and walked downstairs to see him sitting in the kitchen with a whole island full of food placed out perfectly like he did the one morning after we had sex for the first time.

I smiled and walked over to Ryan placing a kiss on his soft lips. "Good morning" I said sweetly sitting in the chair next to him.

"Good morning" he said with a low sleepy voice. Surprised he still has his sleepy voice. He must've been up for about an hour now cooking all this food and setting it up.

"How'd you sleep" He asked placing his hand on my thigh looking into my eyes.

"Perfect, and you" I said with a smirk.


My stomach growled right as he said it which made it go awkwardly silent. Ryan laughed and handed me a plate full of food.

"Eat up, we've got a long day ahead of us." He said standing up heading over to the sink to clean up the dishes he used to make breakfast.

"Sit down, we can do the dishes later together." I said walking over to him wrapping my arms around his side placing my hands on his chest and stomach.

He chuckled and turned around wrapping his arms around my waist pulling our bodies closer together.

"We can do more than just that later together." He said with a smirk as he bit his lip looking at me head to toe.

I pushed him back and laughed "Shut up"

He chuckled and pulled me back into his loving embrace. He placed small kisses on my neck and my jawline making a trace of small kisses all the way to my lips.

"Or maybe we can just do it now and then do it again later too" He said with a smirk kissing my lips over and over and over again.

I chuckled and couldn't resist the urge to just hop onto him right here and now but I kept my cool.

"No, no later" I said with a teasing voice as I walked back over to the island to continue eating my delicious breakfast.

He stood there and shook his head. "You're such a tease you know that"

I smiled and bit my lip. "I know."

I finished eating and walked over to the stair case to head upstairs to take a shower, but before I went upstairs I couldn't help but tease him a little bit more.

"Ryan" I said softly while biting my lip.

He turned around to look at me. "Yeah?"

"I'm hopping into the shower, it might be awhile." I said with a smirk walking up the stairs slowly making sure to move my body a certain way so I could tease him even more than I already have.

His mouth dropped as I walked up the stairs. "I hate her" He whispered quietly with a smile while turning back around to finish up with the dishes.

Authors note~ Shorter chapter I know sorry sorry but I haven't updated in awhile and I needed too! So I hope you enjoy this chapter! Hopefully I'll start updating more soon, it's just I haven't had a lot of motivation recently but I just got a sudden burst right now so anyways! Thanks for reading! (;

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