Chapter 11: Journey In The Moonlight

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I heard a reluctant knock at my oak door and I slowly made my way down the slim dark hallway in my teal tank tucked into my black ruffled skirt. It swooshed down the hall that seemed to continue on. My heart was flying faster than the speed of light and you could hear the emptiness of the hallway closing in. I wanted this to happen. I really did. I finally reached the door and another knock this one slightly with more power hit the door. I caught sight of the most gorgeous man I've ever seen. To say he cleaned up nice was an understatement. He wore a gray Turtle neck that fit him nicely and as far as I could tell that if this date went swimmingly it would be hard to take off and he wore khaki pants that made him look rather delicious. If you know what I mean. "Lydia...?" He spoke softly. "Sorry! What did you say?" "Oh, I said you look stunning." My heart sped up much quicker than before, my hands became clammy and my mouth went dry. What am I supposed to say? What could I say? "Umm so do you." I stammered quickly barely being able to say it. He glanced around with a side smirk gracing our presence. And with that I melted inside. We made our way to the car and I swiftly took a look in the back seat to see if there was any hint of where we were going. But of course nothing! So I turned around when the door slammed. He looked at me for what seemed like hours taking in my face. Taking quick glances at my lips and then he turned to the steering wheel and a look of blankness seemed to cloud his face.
What had I done? We sat in complete silence as he drove to our secret destination. That's when we heard the engine die. "Are you kidding me!" He said angrily. "I've set everything up perfectly and this happens." Frustrated he gets out of the car and slams the door causing the car to shake slightly. Okay this side of him was kind of hot. As long as it wasn't directed at me. I couldn't handle that. Well he couldn't let's be real. I got out traipsing my way behind him until we saw the smoke coming from the engine. Then he ran back to the car grabbed our stuff and told me to run. And I didn't hesitate as soon as we made it up this small hill not to far from the car, we saw smoke and then we heard the explosion, his car exploded. "I am so dead." was all he said as I turned to leave. "Hey! Wait up!" He yelled after me. I let out a small laugh, " I can say this is a first in the area of dating for me." and suddenly he seemed to have a burst of confidence and said proudly, "Well with me that's how things will be." Thank goodness it was dark out because I've never felt so intrigued in someone in my whole life. I was drawn to this boy and it was when he wasn't trying. Don't get me wrong he was absolutely adorable when he tried but when he wasn't was when he screamed of innocence, love, and everything I want. Surprisingly I felt something take my hand and I looked down to see his firm hand holding mine. I could tell he was nervous with the clammy palms that held mine slightly shaking. When I looked up into the light the moon granted me I saw this look of peace caress his beautiful face. It was then that I saw it. How scared he was yet how at peace he was. As we continued on this journey in the moonlight he seemed to be more comfortable. We were lost. But we didn't care because we were hand in hand against the world. Then we saw the little shack of a restaurant and I let go and ran! I had to pee, my feet hurt, and I was dying for a burger. He ran after me calling my name "Lydiaaaa. Lydiaaaa. Wait!" Before I reached the door of the low life burger joint I stopped perfectly underneath this street light. There was no one coming soon and it seemed like no one had come in awhile. I awkwardly swayed waiting for him. Hoping I didn't see him trip coming down the road, he made his way to me. Rubbing the back of his neck he took my hand. Shakily his hand met my warm light pink cheek and his thumb rubbed over it softly and it warmed my heart. To be touched so loved and have nothing expected behind it was an amazing feeling. In this simple gesture I knew he cared. So much more than anyone else in my life. That was all he needed to see. I don't know how he saw but he knew something inside me had changed he put one hand on my face and pulled me close. "Don't ever leave me like that again..." He said quietly looking from lips to my eyes. I nodded my head "okay." He then took me into his clammy hands and kissed me. His lips felt like waves moving in sync with the sky and it seemed as if there had been a tsunami in my heart and it had been flooded with all of Him.

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