the adoption

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two v official looking men burst into shmackerys (or whatever it's called) and everyone turns to look at them. i'm v much confused and so is chrissy. actually everyone seems to be confused.

"are heathryn and joe donnell here???" says one of the v official looking men.

that's my mom and my stepdad's names.

"yeah they're right over there lol," i say

my parents give me a look that's like "shut up stupid child" and i look at them all confused.

"ah thank you young lady," the second official looking guy says. "they've been caught in illegal drug activity and bank robberies so we came to arrest them haha."

it all comes together. my mom and step dad had been going off to places in the middle of the night lately and i didn't think much about it. i just figured that maybe they snuck off to have sex or something like that and get away from me. this makes a lot more sense tbh.

"oh," i say. "well bye mom and step dad lol."

they get dragged away by the two official looking men and i'm left alone in the cookie shop with two time tony winner christian borle. for a minute i celebrate not having my stupid mother and step dad with me but then i realize that i don't have any money or shelter. i would call my actual dad to help me out, but he died in a tragic car accident two years ago. i stand there unsure of what to do until i hear christian's voice.

"hey loser i'll adopt you."

"omg really? i mean, yeah cool whatever," i say, trying not to sound too dramatic like other girls.

"yeah now get in the car."

chrissy shoves me into the back of his grey honda car and drives to his apartment. tbh i thought he'd have a more expensive car but whatever.

i walk into his big, star wars themed apartment and drop my emergency backpack i bring everywhere on his couch.

"do you have a room i can stay in?" i ask.

"yeah its over there."

"k thx."

i drop my stuff onto my new bed and lay down for a bit. this day has been WEIRD and i'm not sure if i like my new dad. while i'm laying down on the bed, i hear footsteps coming up to my bedroom. someone opens the door and i recognize him immediately.

omg it's two time tony loser andrew rannells!

"hi," i say

"hi," says a confused andy randy. "who are you?"

"oh i'm chrissy's new adopted daughter."

"oh okay cool."

i now realize it's getting late and i go to bed, thinking about how strange this day has been.

adopted and bullied by christian borle Where stories live. Discover now