Chapter 4

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Hermione couldn't have been happier with the plan she'd concocted. She was going to show everyone that she was more than just a studying bookworm. That she could be sexy, wild, random, spontaneous, and desirable. And, she had it all planned out.

There was going to be a dance this coming Sunday, and Hermione was going to introduce her new self then. The only thing was... She didn't have any idea what she needed.

Hermione may have been a girl, but when it came to what one needed when one was changing oneself, she was absolutely oblivious. She needed a professional. And, she knew just who to go to.

She had told Ginny about her plan and what had happened with Ron. She wasn't even looking at him. Hermione had given Ginny a note at lunch telling her to meet her in the Library. And, Hermione was heading there now.

On her way, however, she was stopped by someone very unexpected.

"Excuse me?" Said a soft voice.

Hermione turned around and came face to face with the girl that she had caught Ron with a few days ago. From a distance anyone could tell this girl was beautiful. But, that was nothing compared to being just three feet away from her. She was unbelievably stunning. Up close you could see just how flawless her skin was. Perfect cream, and not a blemish in sight. She had soft round features, full pink lips and thick lashes that surrounded the greenest eyes Hermione had ever seen. Framing this gorgeous face was silky, dark chocolate brown curls. She had a tiny, dainty body and couldn't have been any taller than 5'2.

"Could we talk?" Her voice was quiet and sounded like a harp. "Please?"

Hermione looked around and saw a door that led to an empty classroom. Motioning for the girl to follow, Hermione made her way over to the room and went in.

She sat down at one of the desks, and the girl did the same.

"What do you want?" Hermione hadn't meant for her voice to sound cold.

The girl flinched slightly. "I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry. I didn't know that Ronald Weasley had a girlfriend. I mean, I knew that you two had been together, but he told me that you two had broken up. If I had known I would never have..." She paused before continuing. "I just wanted you to know I'm not like that. Like what you saw and that I am terribly sorry. Could you ever forgive me?" The girl looked like she was about to cry.

"What is your name?" Hermione asked.

"Mysteria. Mysteria Ebonfeather."

"Well, Mysteria, it's not your fault for what happened. It hardly seems fair to blame you. So, yes. You are forgiven." Hermione smiled.

Mysteria beamed at her, making the whole room seem brighter.

Merlin, even her TEETH are perfect! Hermione thought, stunned once again by the girl's outstanding beauty.

"Thank you! Thank you so much..."

"Hermione. Hermione Granger." Hermione interrupted.

Mysteria gave a musical laugh that sounded like wind chimes blowing in the wind. "Haha, I know who you are! Well, thank you so much, Hermione. I hope to see you around and that we can become friends. " She gave Hermione a hug, and one last perfect smile, before leaving the room.

Hermione stood there a moment longer smiling to herself, before remembering Ginny and the Library and headed out of the classroom in a hurry.

When she got to the Library, Ginny was sitting there waiting for her and looking very annoyed. When Hermione reached her, she looked up and frowned.

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