Chapter 6

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Hermione's heart was beating out of her chest as she made her way down the stairs. She didn't get why. It's not like she was doing anything drastic. Well, if you don't count changing your whole look just to get some revenge, drastic.

Beside her, Ginny huffed. "Bloody hell, Hermione! Calm down. You're being way over dramatic."

Hermione turned to her, glaring. "I am NOT being overly dramatic, Ginny! After all, I'm just about to walk into a hall full of people looking like something you'd find in a club, and have people gossiping about me." As she finished she realized how stupid that sounded.

Ginny also seemed to notice this, and shook her head. "Yeah, you're being over dramatic." She came to a stop right outside the doors. All they had to do was turn a corner to enter the Hall.

"Give her a break. I would be nervous too."

They spun around to see Mysteria looking like something you'd see on a Runway. She was wearing a short royal purple dress that had gold accents all through it, with high heeled, black velvet ankle boots. She had put her hair in pigtails with purple and gold ribbons, and she had on purple eyeliner with shiny gold eyeshadow. She looked Red Carpet worthy.

This somehow made Hermione feel better. "Well, with you going in with me, maybe I won't stand out like a sore thumb."

Mysteria laughed beautifully. "Oh, no. I'm not going in with you. I'm going in BEFORE you."

Hermione's heart sank and she turned to Ginny. "Gin'..." But before she could say anything further, Ginny walked over and hooked arms with Mysteria, and they headed for the door.

"Hermione, You have to do this on your own. After all, this WAS your idea. Besides, the whole point of this "new look" is that everyone sees it. Especially Ron! And, if you walk in with a group, you won't be noticed." She then became more serious. "Now, you have two choices. You can either, 1: come in there and show everyone that you are way more than meets the eye. Or 2: you can stand out here all night and forever be known as the goody two shoes, Know-It-All, quiet bookworm to everyone from now on. Your choice, sweet cheeks!" With that said, her and Mysteria turned and went inside.

Hermione was alone now to make a choice that, sadly and very unfortunately, nobody else could make for her.

She knew she couldn't back out. Not now. Not after all the effort she went to. She just COULDN'T.

Slowly she crept over to the doors and peeked around the corner. Her mouth fell open slightly. Well, I don't have to worry about looking like something from a club.... The Great Hall had been turned into some kind of modern Disco Club. Lining one wall was an endless table of snacks that, from where she was, appeared to be moving and drinks that seemed to be changing color. Along another wall was a mixture of chairs and couches. Hanging all over the room were multi-colored strobe lights, and hanging in the middle by nothing was a shiny, silver disco ball. In the center of the Hall was the dance floor. Looking closer she saw that there was steam coming up from nothing on the floor. Loud booming techno music was playing and half the school was on the floor dancing.

Hermione's heart started to beat harder than before. She peeked around the corner again, hoping to maybe spot someone she knew so she could make a straight beeline for them. She couldn't see Harry, Ginny, or even Mysteria. But, her eyes did fall on another person.

Ron was sitting on one of the couches snuggling with some over tanned girl who looked a lot like Pansy, but without the smashed face.

Guess you only get a girl like Mysteria once out of sheer luck She thought with anger bubbling inside her. As she watched Ron pull the girl in to eat her face, she remembered why she was doing this in the first place. She wasn't doing it to fit in, or to show off, or to be part of some special group. She was doing it to get that over sexed, bastard back for being a stupid pig.

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