Chapter 8

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It had been three weeks since the dance. After that night, everything had carried on as normal. Well, almost normal. Hermione was still continuing with her new look, always trying out new hairstyles, makeup styles and sexy clothing.

She had enjoyed every minute of it, too. She also loved all the looks she would get. When she walked through the halls, people would point, stare, whisper. Some girls had already asked her for hair tips, or where she got a top or skirt.

Even though she loved it, it was still hard to get used to. She had never been noticed before, it would be like she didn't even exist sometimes. Even though she was part of the famous trio, one of Harry Potter's best friends, it was like she was invisible. Not anymore, though. She couldn't go anywhere without getting talked about.

The makeover had had a good effect. The attention sometimes wasn't all good, though. She had been getting A LOT more attention from the guys, which was not sitting well with those who had girlfriends. She was always getting dirty looks, or glares. Some had even made up bad stories as to WHY she got a makeover. But, none of that really bothered her. None of them were true, anyway. Besides, she was busy with the three people who were bugging her the most.

One of these people was Lavender Brown. Ever since she first saw Hermione after her change, she had been trying to make her life a living hell. Lavender always got the most attention out of all the girls in Gryffindor House. Mostly because she was pretty and so easy. But, she still got the attention nonetheless. However, when Hermione did her alteration, that all changed. Now, guys would acknowledge her, talk to her, and want to hang out with her. And, this didn't sit well with Lavender at all. She was constantly trying to outdo Hermione, which always ended in an epic fail.

The second, not much to Hermione's surprise, was none other than the trashy, pug face, Pansy Parkinson. Apparently she didn't like how Hermione had, in Pansy's opinion, 'moved in' on 'HER Drakykins'. She would spend almost all her time trying to hex Hermione in classes, at lunch or in the halls. She had also gone as far as giving Hermione death threats. Pansy had tried to get Hermione and Draco to break up by doing a number of things. She tried to get Draco jealous by hanging all over other guys, she had dressed in what she thought was a sexy outfit, and offered him an assortment of enjoyable opportunities. She had even sent Hermione a note saying, in graphic detail, about the supposed night they had spent together. Which turned out not to be true, of course.

The third one was Ron. A few days after the dance he had started talking to Hermione again. And, it was beginning to drive her crazy. He was being so clingy, following her around all the time. When they would talk, he would always be extremely nice to her. Always complimenting her outfit or even asking her about a book she was reading. Which she knew he wasn't interested in. But, what really bothered her the most was, he was always trying to make plans for just the two of them to do. She wasn't sure what he was playing at. She assumed that he wanted forgiveness, which she had given him. But, he still wouldn't leave her alone.

Hermione was doing her best to ignore all of it. But, she was starting to reach the end of her rope. She didn't know how much more she could take. She wanted to hit Lavender in the face, hex Pansy to the moon, and scream at Ron to leave her alone.

The only thing that kept her going and dealing with all this, was Draco. He helped her ignore all the nonsense, and stupidity of the three thorns in her side.

His only problem was dealing with all the guys that would hit on her relentlessly. He didn't like how all the other boys would fawn after her, gawk at her, flirt with her and whistle at her every time she walked into a room.

But, they were with each other and that's what mattered.

Hermione's focus at the moment was studying for her NEWT's. Even though they weren't due to start for another few months, she wanted to be ready. She may have changed her look, but she didn't change her study habits. She still spent half her time in the Library.

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