Chapter 3

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It had been two weeks since the Lavender incident. Things had been going quite well for Hermione and Ron. Unfortunately, they had been spending little time together. They would see each other in classes and at meal times. But, otherwise, they never got alone time with each other. Quidditch practice had started, too, so that's where Ron would be most days while Hermione passed the time in the Library. On one of these monotonous days, she was sitting in the back corner reading a muggle book that she'd brought from home, when a shadow was cast over her. Looking up, she saw to her great surprise, Draco Malfoy.

He wasn't wearing his trademark smirk, but instead staring at her with an odd expression in his eyes. She cocked an eyebrow at him curiously, waiting for him to say something. After a couple minutes of silence, Hermione sighed, rolled her eyes at him and went back to her book.

"What are you reading?"

She looked up, not quite sure she'd heard correctly. He spoke so quietly.

"What did you say?" She frowned at him.

"I said," He was speaking slowly as if talking to a mental person. "what... Are... You... Reading?"

She stared at him as if he'd lost his mind. "What does it matter to you, Malfoy?" she asked, coldly.

"Pure curiosity, Granger." he stated matter-of-factly.

Hermione snorted. "Since when have YOU ever been curious about something to do with ME, Malfoy?"

Malfoy sat down opposite her, and didn't speak. He just looked at her. He looked at her as if he had just gotten out of Azkaban and was seeing the sun for the first time in years. She was starting to get really creeped out.

"You never answered my question." He finally spoke.

"What question?" She was still trying to get over the way he was looking at her.

He sighed and shook his head. "And they call you the smartest witch of this generation." he smirked.

There it is she thought, as he continued.

"The book, Granger. What is it?"

"Oh. Uhh... You wouldn't know it. It's a muggle book. It's called Wild Magic. The first book in a series called The Immortals." Hermione held the book out to him.

He took it and read it over before handing it back. "Interesting." He was looking at her again, with that same expression he had before.

She was starting to squirm under his gaze when he finally stood to leave. She watched him retreat a few steps before turning back to her.

"You shouldn't trust him." He stated flatly.

She scowled in confusion. "Who?"


Her scowl deepened. "What are you-" She began. But, before she could finish, Malfoy turned and left the Library.


Over the next few days, Hermione tried hard not to think about her conversation with Malfoy. It was so strange. So... Un-Draco Malfoy.

She had caught him staring at her a few times in classes, at meal times. If she was with Ron then, Malfoy would glare at him. All in all, Hermione was utterly confused.

She also didn't understand what he had said about Ron. Things had been going really well for them. She'd actually thought about confronting Malfoy, asking him what his bloody problem was. But, every time she ever saw him, she was either with people or he was.

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