Oh no || Chapter 16

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Alex smacked George across the face.

Wilbur and Tubbo ran in and tried to stop the two from fighting. 

Tommy stood there in shock about what just happenend, he couldn't believe how desprate both of them were for his cousin. 

Niki ran to find Jack cause she had a feeling they were gonna be kicked out of the arcade soon. 

George swung an attempted punch at Quackity and ended up punching Tubbo instead striking him across the face.

Tubbo fell hitting his head on the table.

Knocked out, unconsious.

The boys stopped fighting.

Tommy dialed  999 (911 in england)


Everyone (yes they found Jack) was sitting outside of the ER waiting to see if Tubbo was okay.  Niki's face was burried Wilburs arm crying. Tommy was trying not to cry. Jack was just shocked. And Quackity... well Quackity was feeling horrible. For how he reacted to Georges comment. George wouldn't have accidentally hit Tubbo if he didn't slap George. George had his face covered his own hands to prevent everyone from seeing the tears shedding from his eyes. George was thinking about what he had just done. He knew he shouldn't have made that comment about Alex being full of himself. He's the one that he started the argument. He's the one that mistreated y/n. He's the one that punched Tubbo. He felt like it was his fault.

George: Alex?

Alex: ....what?

George: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have offended you like that out of the blue.  I respect the fact that Y/N likes you and not me. You two are perfect for each other.

Alex: Thanks. I'm sorry for yelling at you and slapping you across the face. That was a dumbass move i did. 

George: It's okay. I deserved it.

Alex: Friends?

George: Friends.


everyone ran inside tubbo's room.

Niki: Oh my gosh Tubbo! Thank goodness your okay, we were so worried about you! *hugs*

Tubbo: aw, thanks Niki.

Tommy: How you feeling?

Tubbo: Good. My face feels a bit sore, but that's about it. I just got knocked unconsious that's all.

George: I'm sorry Tubbo for punching you. I didn't mean too. I was trying to punch Quackity.

Alex: And I'm sorry for being so fucking inconsiderate and yelling and shouting forcing you to break us up which ended up with you in this fucking mess.

Tubbo: It's okay man. It happens.

Wilbur: When will you be leaving the hospital?

Tubbo: In about an hour or two. The doctors said I'm okay to go.

Jack: Ay! Well that's great mate!

Love, Quackity | QUACKITY x READER | made by bunch_of_stardustWhere stories live. Discover now