On the way to fame || Chapter 20

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It's been only a day since Alex has left, and my house seems lonely. I know Tommy's here, and my dads coming soon, but I know it will not be the same. I'll admit it. I miss him. I miss waking up to a smiling mexican man sitting at the table eating cereal at 4am still not understanding the time difference. I miss having someone with me whenever I went places. Yes, Tommy can come with me but he's usually busy now that he's "big and famous". Alex was too, but he made time for me. It was 10am I was still laying in my bed, staring at the ceiling. I didn't feel like getting up, but I did anyway. I went downstairs and saw my dad making himself a coffee while chatting with Tommy by the kitchen counter. 

Y/N: Hey dad! I missed you!

Dad: Good morning! I missed you too! How have you been?

Y/N:Good, good. Why are you here so early? I was gonna pick you up at 12 later today.

Dad: Well, I last minute booked an earlier flight and got an uber the drive me!

Y/N: That's great!

Tommy: That is very poggers.

Dad: Huh?

Y/N: Nothing Dad, it's okay! Come, take a seat!

My dad sat next to me on the couch. We we're catching up on stuff we missed, and just having a nice conversation. Tommy got to talk about his career now in YouTube and Twitch, but my dad didn't seem to understand. 

Later on, we went to go eat at the panini restaurant a few miles away. I got a few flash backs of when I went with Alex. He didn't know what a panini was until I explained what it was. He was so stubborn and didn't want to even go, but when he ate the sandwich, he couldn't stop talking about how much he loved it. I looked over to see my dad peacefully and politly eating his panini sandwich. He was sitting straight with a nice posture as if he was doing a buissness meeting. Unlike my dad, Alex wouldn't have cared about how his posture was or how he looked unless his beanie was falling off. 

Alex was a funny and caring guy, but my dad.. well.. I don't really know. Most of my life he's always out of town at work leaving me alone at home with my mom, that was until she decided to get a divorce because she was sick of having a husband that's never at home. I don't blame her. Ever since then, my mom left and moved in with her new boyfriend. I haven't seen her in a few years, but she still keeps in touch with me by messages. I was living alone in my dads house, or as he calls it: "the other house". I was stuck under my fathers house rules even though he wasn't there. It was only about a year ago that I decided to buy my own house so that I could do what I want. But now that he's here, I most likley have to follow his house rules which isn't fair since it's my house.

After our panini's, I drove my dad and I back home. I let my dad rest because he said he was tired. I went over to Tommy's room to see what he was doing. I caught him in the middle of a stream. I assumed it was nothing imporant of serious cause he's just playing minecraft. I knew his chat could see me but I didn't care. I sat down on his bed. Tommy's eyes were still glued to the screen he was so focused. The chat noticed me, but he didn't notice the chat. I hopped off the bed and lightly pushed him while screaming. Tommy got so scared and jumped in his seat.


Y/N: Haha! Got you!


Y/N: And? It's just minecraft, calm down.

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