Take two || Chapter 17

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Tommy's POV:

After yesterday, Big Q said he still wanted to do a vlog with me. I still liked the idea of doing a vlog with Niki, Wilbur, Tubbo, Jack, and Gogy, so I came up with a new plan. I was going to get us all to go do some fucking laser tag. The idea was to seprate us in half to create teams. Problem was, there's seven of us in total, so I invited Y/N to join us so that we have an even number! Everyone agreed, even Y/N surprisingly. I told them to meet us (Tommy, Quackity and Y/N) at 5:00pm. So we waited...


At 4:47, Big Q was rushing us out of the house. He didn't want us to be late, even though the place is only 5 minutes away. I got in the backseat of his rental car since Y/N was in the passengers seat and Alex was obviously driving. I turned on my camera and started vlogging even though the car hasn't started yet.

Tommy: Hello everybody! I'm VLOGGING! And look who I'm with.. BIG Q!

Alex: wait are you recording?

Tommy: YES!

Alex: Oh, uh, hi guys!

Tommy: And this is my cousin Y/N, say hi!

Y/N: Hello!

Tommy: So right now we are currently driving to go to a laser-

Alex: Tommy can you move your fucking head? I'm trying to get out of the driveway and I cant fucking see shit! Why do you have to be so tall?!

Tommy: Why you gotta be so short, BITCH!


Tommy: Okay, okay! Sorry! *LAUGHS*

Y/N: Calm down Alex!


Alex: I fucking hate you Tommy.

Tommy: *LAUGHS* Anyway boys, today we're going to do some laser tag with Big man Wilbur, Jack Manifold, Tubbo, Niki and Gogy... and obviously me, Big Q and Y/N.

During the drive I recorded the road and some flying geese aswell as all of us singing Roadtrip at the top of our lungs. When we finally arrived, I recorded myself walking into the place. When we got in, there was nobody else there since it was a private booking. It was 5:58, so we had two more minutes until the rest arrive. I recorded content of me being taller than Big Qand he hated it.


Everyone had arrived and the kind employees helped us put theses glowing vests and set up our guns. There were 2 teams. Team 1 was: Wilbur, Y/N, Me and Jack. Team 2 was: Quackity, Niki, George and Tubbo (face still a bit sore). Putting Big Q and George on the same team was a fucking risk, but they said they were friends again so all I could do was hope they fucking keep they're promise. 

Round 1 started, the lights changed to black lights, which made everything neon and white glow. Everyone was filming snippets of themselves on their phones. Me and Y/N ran over to hide behind a wall, I caught a glimse of Big Q shooting Jack who fucking ran to the saming hiding spot as Alex. But then wilbur came out of nowhere and shot Alex. Everyone had 5 lives, every time the vest flashed red, it meant someone shot you. When you're vest is no longer glowing, it means you've ran out of lives. 

I snuck out from our hiding spot to try and shoot Tubbo who I saw running. But then Gogy came up from behing trying to shoot me, so I fucking ran away, up some stairs, behind a weird triangle shaped thing.

"Guys, I just found out that only a small percentage of my viewers are subsrcibed. So if you enjoy todays video, please do consider subscribing and you can always unsubsribe later." I said to the camera, "And if you think your subscribed, check the subscribe button because your probably not since this is a new channel. So please do click that subsribe button so-" I got cut off by my vest flashing red with sound effects, "what the fuck... TUBBO?!"

"OH NO HE SAW ME, AAHHHHH!" Tubbo yelled turning around running away. I chased him around until I shot him leaving him at one life left.

"TOMMY HELP ME!" I heard Y/N scream behind me running fast. Big Q was chasing her.

"I'M GONNA FUCKING GET YOUU!" He yelled without noticing me. I shot him from behind, "NOOOOO! WHAT THE FUCK?! NOOO!"

I laughed, it was quite funny. Then the round was over. We all walked towards this massive TV that had the results, Team 1 won! THAT WAS MY TEAM!

"LET'S FUCKING GOOOO!" I yelled. Our whole team was jumping up and down.

"Oh no! Niki got the least points!" Wilbur pointed out.

"Nooo! Niki what happened?" Y/N asked.

"I'm just not very good at laser tag!" Niki replied giggling.


After 3 rounds, somehow team 2 beat us. Which meant they got to chose what the losing team has to do. And of course, they chose fucking Quackity to make the desicion.

Tommy: What's it gonna be Big Q?

Alex: Hmmmm....

Tubbo: Oh this is gonna be good!

Jack: I don't really want to do anything bad.

Alex: I know...

Wilbur: Oh no...

Alex: Y/N, kiss me.

Tubbo: WHAT?!

Niki: On camera?

George: oh...

Tommy: Y/N you don't have to do that if you don't want-

She kisses him. Then I point the camera at them, and then I turn it away and back to my face because it was fucking discusting.

Wilbur: WOO! *claps*

Tubbo: My eyes!

Jack: Tubbo, they're just kissing! Don't tell me you've never seen your parents kiss before.

Niki: Oh wow! I can't believe they just did that! *claps*

George: I know... *claps*

Y/N: Why you guys clapping so much? It's not like we're getting fucking married.

Alex: Unless..


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