Promise || Chapter 28

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Alex's POV 

 "Alex?" I heard Y/N question on the discord call, "W-why are you here? I thought dream was gonna add my partner for the lore?" 

 "I am your partner Y/N." I said, "Did Dream not tell you?"

"No, he kept it as a surprise for me!" 

 I sighed, "Fuck." 

 It was silent. I haven't apologized to Y/N yet. I still feel guilty for starting that argument. 

 "So, do you want to create a script?" I asked. 

"Sure. I guess so." She said. 

 "Okay... so what's your character's story?" 

 "She explores the SMP and gets lost and then you find me and I join your country." 

 "Oh!" I said, "Your going to be apart of Las Nevadas?" 

 "Yeah." She said. 

 "Maybe you can work on your own script for the exploring part and shit, but right now, we can start on writing when you arrive at Las Nevadas?" I suggest trying to create a conversation. 

 "Sure." She said in reply. She was being a bit stubborn. 

 "Okay, hmmm.." I said thinking, "How about you talk to yourself for about 5 minutes until I find you! You can say shit like: Where am I?" 

 "Sure." Y/N said munching on some chips. 

 "And then I'll walk up to you, and I'll say: Who the fuck are you? And you can say: I'm Y/N. And then I'll ask you: Why are you here? And you can say: I don't know, I'm lost. How does that sound so far?" I asked Y/N. 

 "Good." She responded. She kept giving one word answers and it was becoming very hard to communicate. 

 "Y/N, you gotta say more than just 'good' and 'sure' if we're gonna fucking do this." I told her.

 "Well I don't feel liking taking to you right now Alex!" Y/N said, "Is that not obvious?" 

 "I know you don't want too! I can fucking tell!" I said, "But you gotta get your shit together if you wanna do this lore script." 

 Y/N sighed, "Fine." 

 "Okay, back to what I was saying..." 


 After around 15 minutes, Y/N and I wrote 4 lines in total. 2 lines for me, and 2 lines for her. 

"Y/N, this is not fucking working." I said. 

 "I know," She said sighing, "maybe we can talk another time." 

"Y/N, I know your fucking mad at me but you can't just not do anything because of that." I told her. 

 "You know what?" Y/N said, "I think I'm done talking to you." 

 "Wait, what?" 

"I'll talk to you soon Alex." 

 "No!" I exclaimed, "Y/N I'm sor-"

 She ended the call. 

Y/N's POV 

I can't believe Dream chose Alex as my partner. I know he didn't know about what happened, but I wish I didn't have to speak to him then. I wanted to write out my own apology on special paper and mail it to him. But I guess that's pointless now. I felt bad for acting so stubborn and rude towards him. 

 I got up from my desk chair and looked at myself in the mirror. I realized how horrible my outfit looked. My shirt was all wrinkled and needed to be ironed and my pants had some chip crumbs on it. 

 I headed over to my closet to grab some new fresh clothes. I switched into my Planet Duck hoodie and a new pair of black pants. As I bent down to grab a pair of socks from my sock bin on the floor of my closet, I saw something bright green hidden in the back. I carefully reached my hand toward it. Once I grabbed it, I pulled it towards me to see what it was. That's when I realized it was the green screen I bought for Alex when he was here. I thought he took it home. I knew the green screen would be useful for my Jackbox stream later this week so I opened it up. I set it up and placed it behind my desk chair. That's when I noticed there was a yellow sticky note attached to it. It said: 

Hey Y/N, 

I guess you found this note that I wrote for you. Right now, it July 18th and I'm at your house. Your in Tommy's room next door streaming with him. I have to leave tomorrow so I'm packing all my shit. While I was packing, I saw this green screen that you bought for me and I want you to have it back. I think you could use it for streaming if you start streaming some day. I'm going to miss you Y/N. I had so much fun here together and maybe we can do it someday again, without Tommy. 




My mind was racing. Alex recommend streaming to me before Ranboo? He wants to meet up again? He misses me? Now I feel really bad for the way I acted. I put my hand in my pocket to get my phone and called Quackity as fast as I could. 


"I thought you didn't want to talk to me." He said. 

"I'm sorry Alex," I admitted, "I'm sorry for lying to you and acting like a bitch." 

"Wait, really?" He asked. 

"Yeah, I'm sorry." I said. 

"I'm sorry for starting the argument." Alex said. 

"Don't be sorry!" I told him, "It's my fault." 

"No Y/N, Im sor-" 

"Don't be sorry." I insisted. 

"Okay..." Alex said, "Let's promise to never fucking fight like that again." 

"I promise."

Love, Quackity | QUACKITY x READER | made by bunch_of_stardustWhere stories live. Discover now