Some nerve || Chapter 30

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I put on my shoes, grabbed my purse off the hook on my wall, my car keys on the counter and left the house to pick up Tommy. As I walked over to my car in the driveway, I saw my elderly neighbour across the street watering her flowers in her front lawn. She had a watering can in one hand and a bucket full of gardening tools in the other.

"Good evening Mrs. Green!" I shouted from across the road.

She stopped watering her plants and looked up at me, "Oh hello Y/N! How are you doing?"

"I'm doing great!" I answered.

Mrs. Green smiled, "That's wonderful to hear."

"You doing some gardening?"

"I am!" She said replying to my question, "I just got to finish watering these flowers and then I should be all done for the day!"

"That's great!" I said, "Anytime you need help, feel free to knock on my door. I'm across the street whenever you need me!"

"That's very kind of you, my dear. Now it seems your about to go somewhere this evening?" She questioned pointing at my car.

"Yeah, I'm actually just about to go pick up my cousin." I explained, "We're going to go eat some dinner downtown!"

"That sounds like fun!" Mrs. Green said, "Well you should get going, I don't want you to be late. I hope you have a good time!"

"I will! See you later Mrs. Green!" I said getting in my car and waving goodbye.

I pulled out of my driveway and started my drive to Tommy's house. His house is only fifteen-minutes away from my house, so it's not that far, but not that close either. The route to his house is basically engraved in my memory. As a kid, my parents were hardly around. My dad was always and work, and so was my mom. At least that's what we thought until we figured out that she used working as an excuse to go see her other husband behind my dad's back. After that, my dad kicked her out of the house and now she lives with the other husband. We hardly keep in touch, but she messages me on my birthday and christmas. Without her in the house, and my dad always out of town working, I learned at a very young age how to live in a house alone. I would wake up everyday for school, pack my own lunches, clean the house and cook dinner for myself. But because doing that at a young age is so tough, I often biked to Tommy's house. There, his mom would cook me better meals than what I cooked for myself, his dad helped me with my homework, Tommy would play video games with me and I would sleepover on Friday's and Weekends! It was great...

"IT'S RED LIGHT!" I saw a man yell at my infront of my car.

I rolled down my car window, "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!"

"You better me sorry!" He said, "You almost ran me over and killed me!"

"Sorry!" I shouted at him as he finished crossing the road. 


"So where are we gonna eat?" Tommy asked. We were stopped at a red light.

"Well, where do you wanna eat?" I asked as I changed the radio station.

He looked down at his phone, "I don't know, do you have any ideas?"

"Maybe Pizza Hut or something." I suggested.

"Nah," Tommy said shaking his head, "I'm not in the mood for pizza at the moment."

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