Crooked Paths • 14

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Souta,Keisha and Hiroto's first
time in the Naruto world」


"Ah..shit my head"Hiroto groaned, slowly opening his eyes to be met by his wonderful partner and a slap on the back of his head.

"I thought you fucking died."Keisha finally let out a relieved sigh,she exhaled as she ran her fingers through her long wet curly Auburn hair, her red lipstick almost completely worn off and her clothes torn.

Hiroto chuckles before he coughs up gallons of water. His short black hair was completely damped.

His violet eyes skimmed through his surroundings.

He made eye contact with greenish-blue eyes,"Don't fucking look at me like that,"Keisha Tsked.

"Didn't think you cared about me like at all, "Hiroto rose his eyebrows multiple times, letting out a devious smirk.

"I'll fucking kill you if you do that shit with your eyebrows while looking at me again,"She growls before she got up taking off her clothes and stripping to only a bra and panties.

"Woah!Let's keep it PG!"Hiroto nearly screamed, quickly covering his eyes with his palm.

"You're so fucking dirty minded. Take your clothes off too idiot l, are you trying to get sick while you're in a foreign place?"

He nodded cause he knew she was right, so he stripped and handed her his clothes. She trotted forward and grabbed a big log she noticed acter also scanning through her surroundings and dragged it near them, she started spreading the clothes on top of the log, while Hitroto went to find some wooden sticks and a few rocks too make a fire.

"Where the hell are we ?"Hiroto questioned as he set the sticks in place.

"Don't fucking ask me, I just got here myself and I can't find boss anywhere,"She retorts, irritated. She started to hit the rocks Hiroto gathered together to create friction in order to light up the fire.

"Looks like we landed near a stream. There's fish,"Hiroto grinned at the thought of food who knew dimensional traveling made you this hungry. At least food wouldn't be a problem for now.

"More like in the stream, but fuck it, whatever,"She suddenly got irritated,"How about you make yourself fucking useful? Instead of me doing all the work and catch some fucking fish then" She rolls her eyes.

"Damn...ok,"Hiroto frowned, he knew Keisha had bad anger issues so he let it slide she was probably just as frustrated as he was. He stepped into the cold water and waited for fish to swim by.

A few hours later

Their clothes had finally dried up by now. So, they put them on to keep warm. It was as cold as the north pole for some reason...well not as much as the north pole but still relatively cold enough to get the two individuals to shiver a few times as the cold settled into their bodies.

They struggled to get comfortable.

As they were about to fall asleep, a big explosion had gone off just a few miles away. The smoke quickly sipped into the air, they were startled so they quickly stood up.

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