Foreshadows • 15

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"Mmm it's so dark..I can't see. Hello? anybody there?"

A croaky voice boomed through the empty and dark hallway. He silently walked through the empty hallway, no light source in sight. Although for some reason, he knew where he was going.

He walked and walked for what felt like miles until he saw the hues of dark purple light illuminating from a source. He walked towards the light source and found himself in front of a large mirror.

"What's this? Why do I look this way?"

The tall and blonde haired boy took a good look at himself, he was in an orange jumpsuit, wearing a Konoha headband.

"I look..older?" Naruto suddenly smiled, "My headband, I don't know if this is a dream or not but hell yeah, look at these guns." He mumbled to himself, flexing his biceps in the mirror with a large grin plastered on his face.

The mirror suddenly started to go disorted. The face of an all too familiar pink haired boy appearing.

"K..kusuo?" He stuttered.

He let out a nervous chuckle after examining the boy, "What's with the black cloak and red clouds?" He stared silently, moving his gaze to meet Kusuo's. He didn't understand why Kusuo was so silent, his eyes looked so dead, he didn't even see him blink.

The air started to get heavier, more mirrors appeared, Kusuo displayed in all of them. The mirrors surrounded Naruto.

"Kusuo? What the hell is going on?"

Kusuo finally spoke, his voice as cold as icy waters in the night.

"Naruto, come to me."


"Come to me, she's coming for you."

Kusuos hand suddenly reached out of the mirror grabbing Naruto's arm and pulling him inside the mirror with him.

Naruto jolted up from his bed, his heart beating rapidly and his forehead sweating bullets. He looked next to him to see Kusuo still passed out, soundly.

Naruto laid back down. He stared solemnly at the ceiling.

'What an odd dream.'
He thought to himself.

He turned to look at Kusuo, who was still sleeping soundly. The blinds were slightly open so the moonlight gazed upon his features. Naruto let out a small smile while staring at him. He placed his hand on Kusuo's cheek, caressing it lightly with his thumb.

"I never want to see your eyes look like that, ever..." He quietly muttered, he silently fell asleep before he knew it.


It was now afternoon and the seagulls gulled as they soared through the morning skies.

Kakashi had been resting after his big fight with Kabuza, his sharingan had put way too much strain on his body.

The other 3 genin were helping the bridge builder around the house with minimal chores. Apperantly Tazuna's grandson Inari had pissed off Naruto by telling him to go back to his home if he wanted to live, technically underestimating his ability to complete the mission.

Naruto was furious, he walked up the stairs with heavy feet and anger that could be seen from a mile away. He heared sniffles coming from somewhere and when he got there he saw the same little Inari sobbing to a picture of his father.

Narutos anger subsidded, he only shook his head and went to see Saiki instead. He opened the door slightly to see Saiki sitting up and staring outside the window.

"Ah! You're awake?" Naruto questioned happily with a grin, the grin died down when Saiki didn't even respond. "Are you alright?..Kusuo?"

"I'm fine."

Saiki suddenly replied startling Naruto a bit. Naruto hesitated at first but slowly pulled himself away from the doorway to walk in front of the pink haired boy.

He sat next to Saiki and expected to see his stoic face but all he saw was a tear stained face. Naruto frowned, without a word he pulled Saiki into a hug.

Saiki was startled by the sudden gesture, but he accepted it and wrapped him arms around Naruto.

It was silent for a little bit before muffled sobs filled that comforting silence. Naruto carresed his back whispering for him to let it all out.

After a long while Saiki finally pulled away from the blonde boy and wiped his tears. His face was all red and puffy.

"Do you..want to talk about what's wrong?" Naruto asked with a gentle tone.

"Don't worry about it" Saiki let out a chuckle," I'm fine just a little emotional."

Naruto wasn't sure how to answer situations like these but he was sure that Kusuo wasn't fine. Would he push it though? No. He preferred to wait until Saiki was comfortable enough to say anything.

"Well then, wash up. We have training with Kakashi!" Naruto suddenly informs, trying to cheer the younger boy up.

"I'd rather go back to being unconscious." Kusuo groaned.

"No! Don't say that! I almost died without you, you know? Do you even care about me? Don't leave meeee" Naruto kept shaking the boy who let out a small chuckle at his bickering.

"Alright alright, let's go."



Long time no see.....

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