A Devils Key To Escape • 4

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When saiki woke up he was almost blinded by the shining sun. His body ached a bit from the uncomfortable position and rocks he slept on. He wondered if they noticed he was gone by now,but then again he didn't care.

Saiki yawned and stretched.

"Goodmorning different world."He greeted. He stood up and dusted the dirt and small bits of stone off his pants. He went outside and started to walk towards the left side of the cave. He found a small stream and smiled as he watched the little fish.

He remembered the kunai he had and slowly brought it out.

He clicked his tongue and walked back into the forest grabbing a few sticks,and a stone he also found some pieces of oak bark. He walked into the cave setting the sticks up and placing the stone in the middle.

He rubbed two sticks together until he saw a small spark of smoke and quickly threw it into the other sticks. He grabbed the oak bark and as the fire got stronger he smiled at his success. He brought out the kunai and let the fire burn through the rusted metal.

Once saiki was done he walked back towards the stream. He had lucikily found some vines and used it as a rope," I don't know what ninja do but I'm not going to die out here." He waited and waited until he saw the sign of the fish as it was ready to jump.

it jumped.

Saiki threw the kunai at the fish and watched the kunai stab right through its scaled flesh,catching it,he grinned happily and trailed his way back into his small cave. He set the fire back up and tied the fish to a stick waiting for it to cook. When it was ready Saiki ate it withour a second thought.

Food is food after all.

Once he finished he went back to the stream and luckily found a small thrashed pot. He washed it and boiled water on it for drinking. Once he finished, he explored a bit of the forest,luckily finding a few berrie bushes and a few fruit trees. He tried not to go far so he wouldn't lose his cave.

He even found a bunch of shurikens and dropped kunai's Ninja's left behind. He picked them all up and carried it back to his cave.

He went back out and found more vines and long sticks and he carried all of them back into his cave and sat down. He started to tie the vines against the long sticks and proceeded to use a skill he learnt from camping.

"Damn surviving in the woods is stressful,Good Grief."Saiki stated as sweat slided down his forehead. He was still a eight year old kid and that bothered him. What went terribly wrong that they had to turn him into a child.


"Lord hokage. He's gone."one of the Ninja's who used to guard Aaiki's room ironically stated."How?, I expected better from you and your partner. How disappointing."The Hokage shook his head while the Ninja's head was put down as sweat dropped also dissapointed by his perfomance.

Kakashi who was sitted near the hokage frowned behind his mask."Kakashi please lead a search party and look for him. Here take this incase you want to use your dog."The Hokage handed kakashi Saiki's glasses.

"Understood. Lord hokage."


Saiki breathed in the fresh air,in and out. He was doing mediation,a bit ironic right?. He was sitted in a criss-cross position and had his hands clasped together. He concentrated on the dark void that surrounded him before finally moving into his own subconsciousness.

"Finally I'm here."Saiki floated around the dark void. He was still a child sadly,"hello there young one."Saiki was confused whose voice was that."I am what we called the ten-tailed beast,but you see I have been turned into what we  know as the moon."Saiki stopped to float in place. A woman with goddess like features appeared before him.

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