The Not-So Full-Proof Plan • 3

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Saiki could remember the day he had been confined in this bland room. But as days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months he had almost lost track of time. If it wasn't for the small calendar he had found resting inside one of the drawers when he searched the room.

He couldn't help but drown in despair.

His powers still hadn't returned. He was only starting to hope now that he would escape,"Hello kusuo."the Third Hokage came into he room as kusuo turned his saddened face into a powerful frown.

"What do you want?"He stoicly questioned.

"I need you to answer some questions for me young man,it is the only way your days in this room will be shortened."The Hokage placed a wooden chair next to Saiki's bed. Remembering the times Saiki had attempted to escape but got caught everytime. The farthest he had reached was just down the hall and set of the staircase.

"I'm not answering anything,just let me go!"Saiki yelled like the stubborn child he was. "I cannot do that, I do not know whether you are a threat to the village or not,I'm sure you might have noticed hit I have placed a barrier in your room. I suspect you have a special power we shinobi do not possess,so I must take precautions."The Hokage spoke softly.

"What's a Shinobi?"The Hokage smiled hearing saiki's question in a small tone instead of his constant yelling. He also remembered when Naruto had come over a few days ago asking about the boy that fell from the sky.

It truly sounded like a myth.

"A Shinobi is a trained ninja,there are different stages to becoming a powerful shinobi though,there's genin, chunin and also jonin. Saiki frowned."Ninjas?is that some kind of joke?"Saiki nearly growled.

"Nope I can assure you."

"What is this place called?."

"This is the Hokage house. The Hokage which is currently me,is basically the leader of this village,this village is called the village hidden in the leaf,Konaha."Saiki massaged his temple,"Now that I have answered your questions would you mind answering some of mine?"the Hokage asked and saiki averted his gaze to the old man.

"I don't like owing people so fine."He crossed his arms."Alright,how old are you?."Saiki turned to face him,"I'm pretty sure I'm 8."Saiki responds with a sigh. The Hokage hummed."Would you like to be a shinobi?"

He only asked that because he couldn't think of any other way to rope the boy into his control with force.

"Absolutely not. I want to get out of here."Saiki responded and the hokage nodded."What were you trying to hide when the Anbu looked into your memories?And how did you hide it?."

"That's something I refuse to answer and also it's something called privacy."Saiki responded in a forced tone,even he didn't know how his subconsciousness wasn't fully invaded. Surprisingly the Hokage let it go."Do you think you're a threat to humanity?"Saiki shot the hokage with questionable gaze.

He didn't know how to answer that. When he has his powers he was surely a threat but now that his powers had somehow disappeared. He didn't think he was a threat anymore. He grunts and shakes his head.

"No I'm not a threat. I'm a kid for God's sake."

"But you claimed to be seventeen when you first woke up,why was that?"The old man retorts.

"Because that was my age back in my world before I somehow magically ended up being turned back into a child."Saiki honestly states."Ok good that's all I needed. But you're not being released just yet."The Hokage walked towards the door and out.

Saiki groaned loudly.


Naruto pondered as he stared into the dim lighted sky. The stars slowly started appearing one by one."The boy that fell from the sky sounds like a cliche thing. Meh it's probably nothing."Naruto shrugged as he trotted around the village.

He held his fist out towards the night sky. "I'm going to become hokage someday and that's about all I need to know not about something falling from the sky."Naruto mumbled. He had started at the Academy a few months ago he was on the first step to becoming a strong Ninja.

Naruto recalled to a raven haired boy he met a few days before he attended the Academy,it seemed that that boy was also his classmate and he already took a sort of disliking to him because of his attitude,and the fact that all the girls fawned over him.

Naruto let out a sigh.

He was bored. So he stood up and went into his apartment heating up some water.


It was happening today.

Saiki would escape today. No psychic powers just a very thought out plan.

Saiki had noticed that the barrier seemed to lose it's effect for a few seconds when the door opens,it weakens. So he was sure that at the time the door opens the window barrier also weakens as well.

But his plan wasn't to escape from the window,in fact it was quite different,it was just like his previous plans. The door was his escape route this time though it was different,Saiki had found and old rusted kunai in one of the drawers.

It took several tries but saiki had learned to pick locks with the kunai. The kunai was his only hope now. It was a cool night and the two Ninja's that guarded saiki's room door had fallen asleep Infront of his door.

The sound of a small click echoed through the dim hallway and small snores filled the empty silence. A little boys footsteps lightly hit the wooden floor as he snuck from hallway to hallway. He finally found the stairs.

Carefully stepping down.

He finally spotted the door. He slowly approached it and opened it slipping out of the building he quickly spotted the Hokage and a grey haired man talking. He held his breath as he tried not to make noise. He wasn't an eavesdropper.

In fact he was used to knowing everything.

But here he was eavesdropping.

"I'm going to find a family that will adopt him Kakashi."The Hokage explained ,"But why don't you just take him under your care?"The Hokage shook his head."He doesn't like me very much. I want you to watch him as he grows."The Hokage stepped forward and puffed a smoke.

"I know my time is limited."He stated suddenly.

"Let us go inside shall we?"The Hokage invited,and kakashi gladly accepted as they both stepped in. Saiki let out the breath he was holding. He slowly walked away from the Hokage building and sprinted into the village.

"I'm finally free!"

He ran as his small legs to the point his small legs started to become tired but he continued to run anyways. He ran till he was surrounded by all different sizes of trees. He found a small cave that was hidden behind a bunch of bushes.

He slowly climbed in. He saw clouds fill the sky. "it's cold." Saiki crossed his arms rubbing his palms on his arms trying to increase his body heat.

There was a loud thunder and it quickly started to rain. Saiki slowly laid down and drifted to sleep as he watched the moon illuminate on the the small raindrops that made small sized puddles.

"it's peaceful though..."Saiki quickly fell asleep,despite the cold.


OOF haha



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