Demon in disguise • 12

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Saiki focused on holding the assassin down with his strength hoping Naruto and the others were helping kakashi.

But that thought had faded when naruto decides it was a good idea to help saiki.

"Let go of him!"

Naruto jumps towards zabuza receiving a round kick,Zabuza pulled back his sword and attempted to swing at saiki once more.

"Naruto get the hell out of here!"Saiki yelled,his breathing was slightly ragged,zabuza used this as an opportunity to attempt to kill the kid now his guard was slightly down.

Kusuo couldn't help but notice the shadow of the slanted blade,his eyes widened for a brief second as he disappeared from sight.

Naruto had gladly listened after confirming that saiki was fine on his own then quickly ran to help sasuke.

Zabuza was slightly shocked,he turned around only to be welcomed by medium sized feet.

A nice kick arrived on his face.

Before he could react he was already pushed back,saiki walked up to the taller individual as his small body towered him,

"You wanna know something?,you're really annoying"

he finished before he stomped one of his legs right into the clones chest and watched as it dissipated into water.

"tsk" saiki sighed as he watched how naruto and sasuke managed to separate zabuza from the water prison,he felt like they were doing fine so he sat down and simply spectated under a tree branch,he got bored and started to meditate.

Once he was finally deep into the meditation,he reached his consciousness the place were Aoi seemed to have taken refuge she hid deep inside his consciousness,which is why he had to meditate just to talk to her.

"Aoi?,"he called.

"Young one it seems that you have returned,how is your journey so far in this foreign world?"

"it's something alright,there is a lot of danger."saiki scratched the back of his head and sighed,"i found the nine-tailed fox"The statement seemed to have caught Aoi's attention,she slightly turned her head.

"where is he?"

"he seems to have been sealed inside naruto an acquaintance of mine"saiki explained,she furrowed her eyebrows a scowl appeared on her face.

"Well that's not good we must find a way to remove kurama from the young boys body,"Aoi sounded desperate.

"Why exactly do you want to the tailed beasts so bad?"saiki questioned he was a bit suspicious.

"We can't let that man get to them first,if he does we are all doomed,and you're the only one who can stop him,that's why i brought you to this world"She said with much precision.

"who exactly are we talking about?"

"You'll know when you're ready,you still have a long journey ahead of you,you must go."


"Are you questioning my authority?"She slightly raised her voice as saiki suddenly felt his throat clench,he was wondering how he was even able to feel pain in this state.

He felt like he was in that state for a long time,even if it was only a minute,he couldn't breath no matter how much he tried,tears threatened to come out and it felt like he was gonna die any second.

He suddenly let put a forced gasp,still struggling to breath.

Everything hurt.

He couldn't exactly explain it.

"Listen to me you insolent child"She floated gracefully towards him and held his chin her sharp nails piercing into his soft cheeks. Her pure white eyes felt like bullets waiting to be fired who knew something as small as this issue could get her this mad.

"You are in absolutely no position so question anything I tell you what to do and you do it simple. Do you understand?,"She had such a furious expression,her teeth looked like those of vampires,while her eyebrows creased,in a way...

She looked like a demon.

"Doesn't it hurt?being stuck here pretending to be one of them,you should behave you little brat,or else you'll never see your real family ever again."Her face had a bone chilling smile.

He felt his eyes snap open,the marks on his wrists starting to glow and spread through out his body.

That excruciating pain was back.

This time it hurt a lot more than before.

"Hey Kusuo!,You won't believe what happened this lady came and..."Naruto's words were cut shot as he saw the pink haired boy start to fall of the tree branch he resided on.



"He's unconscious"Kakashi sighed as he stood up,hand on his chin.

"Is he gonna be ok?"Naruto questioned,he was panicking,even sasuke had attempted to calm him down.

"He'll be fine as long as he takes the medicine but I don't know"Kakashi scratched the back of his head.

He was honestly confused and he was the adult here.

"This is seriously annoying."The bridge builder complained,irritated that their journey was interrupted for the second time.

"Someone's gonna have to carry him,staying out here is too dangerous."

"I'll do-"Naruto was rudely interrupted.

"I'll do it."Sasuke offered,shocking everyone.

Naruto had attempted to argue but sasuke had already picked up the boy,carrying him like a bag of rice.

"I swear to God if I see even one scratch on him sasuke-"Naruto chided with a harsh tone as they walked further into the village.

"I already said your boyfriend is going to be fine,now can you shut up?"Sasuke reassured with an annoyed tone,he was jealous but he would never admit it.

"Whatever" Naruto scoffed.


No no I'm not dead Haha


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