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Louis took care of everything. He paid for the night and talked with the girl at the reception. I felt like I was being a burden and I probably was. Who would like to take care of some random teenager that they met at the airport? You are right, no one. He was smiling at her. I was wondering what he was telling her.

"Okay, this way." he pointed at the elevator.

The wall opposite from the entrance of the elevator was see through. My back was facing Louis and my eyes were gazing at the strange city underneath.
We weren't talking at all.

He opened the door with the card he got from that girl and got inside. I was immediately red as tomato when I saw there was only one bed and no couch or anything else to lie down on. This is not good, really not good.

"Okay, so take the side you fancy. Would you mind if I took a shower?" there it was, his politeness again.
"Yeah of course, go ahead." I tried to act cool.
I took the left side which was closer to the window and sat down on the edge. I finally could check my phone. I had one missed call from Gigi. Louis got back while I was still staring at the screen.
"You really are okay?" I gasped because I wasn't expecting this.
"Just need to call someone." I got up and went into the bathroom while dialing Gigi's number.

"Hiiii, beautiful!" I put her on speaker, so I could wash my face.
"Hey! How are you doing?" I was happy to hear her. She is always busy.
"Good baby, I am going to a photo shoot now."
"That's amazing. I am so proud of you." I smiled. Who wouldn't be proud, right?
"Yeah, yeah... anyways... I know you hate flying, but I have some free time in two weeks and I would like to see you. So I thought maybe I could visit you in London? You still live alone? Or you finally found your Prince charming and didn't tell me?" I hoped that these walls were not thin as paper.
"Gigi!" I exclaimed.
"What H- I need to go I am sorry. Text you later by-bye." exactly.
"Bye" and she was gone. I got out of the bathroom after I took a quick shower. Louis was already lying on the bed, his hands beneath his head.
"Who was that?" he asked me casually.
"Just a friend of mine." I poured out quickly. Well, what to do now?
"So you are going to sleep or?" Louis asked again without even looking up at me.
"Yes." I nodded and moved from the spot I was standing in.
"Okay then." he turned his back at my side of the bed. I turned off the light and stripped to my boxers before i got into the bed.

Even though I was trying my hardest I just couldn't fall asleep. I got up and went to the window, blankly staring at the lights underneath. I couldn't help myself but overthink everything. I am so stupid. I was in the deepest thought when I felt the touch on my arm. I was shocked so I turned around to see that it was Louis. Did I wake him up? Oh no.

"Did I wake you up? I am sorry." I whispered.
"No you didn't. I woke up myself." he whispered back.
"Okay." we were still facing each other. This was pretty awkward.
"Harry?" his voice was lower and raspier than it was before.
"Y-yeah?" I felt chills running down my spine.

"Can I cuddle with you?" What? This grown man was asking me to cuddle with him? What the heck?
I just nodded and went back to the bed. Why did I agree with this you might ask? Well, I guess we will never know.

I got under the sheets, waiting for him. Louis slowly came to his side of the bed and jumped in. The next second I felt his hand on my waist, pulling me in. We were spooning. Of course I was the little spoon. His touch was really calming for no reason. I still didn't understand why he would like to cuddle with me but I was more than okay with that. I felt... safe.

I had no problem with falling asleep in his arms. After few hours I woke up thanks to the alarm clock Louis had. Although I was pretty sure he was awake he wasn't moving at all. I didn't turn around to see him. I was too afraid to do that. He began to stroke my bare side and I finally found the courage to turn around.

It was about 4.30am and the sun was slowly walking up. He furrowed his eyebrows for a moment, his eyes fixed on me. I was just having the biggest panic attack of my life.

I rolled the sheets down and jumped out of the bed, practically running into the bathroom. I didn't want to throw up in front of him. I was lucky and got to the toilet in time.

I was just emptying my stomach when I heard a knock on the door.
I flushed the toilet and washed my face and mouth before I opened them.
Louis was standing there with confusion visible on his face.
I just looked down and sneaked around him into the room.

"Let me remind you that I don't bite, yeah?" he was now leaning against the wall, still just in his underwear.
"I know." I answered his question but didn't dare to look at him.
"Don't you wanna tell me what happened?" he made few steps towards me.
"I just- Louis it's nothing enjoyable to talk about." I exhaled loudly.
"Tell me. I don't care that it is not about unicorns and flowers." he sat on the edge of the bed. We were getting awkward again.
"I-" I didn't want to talk about this.

"Yeah?" he encouraged me.
"I threw up." I said simply, like it was none of a big deal because it really wasn't.
"What? Why?" I didn't hear disgust? When I looked at his face it really seemed like he cared.
"It happens quite often." when I am super nervous.
"It shouldn't Harry. This is not okay." he sighed.
"Have you visited a doctor?" he rearranged my hair, in order to look me in the eyes again.
"No it-" he didn't let me explain it to him.
"You should, this can't be good for you." I looked up at him. His brows were furrowed but he was still looking amazing.

"Doctor would do nothing with this type of 'sickness', believe me."
"How do you know?"
"Because I throw up when I am feeling nervous or scared..." I took my gaze down to my backpack.
"Oh, I am sorry. I didn't mean to- eeh I-" he got up from the bed immediately.
"No, no it's okay. It's not your fault." I reassured him although he was the reason.

After that conversation we were super super awkward. He just didn't want me to throw up all over him, right?

We got an Uber to the airport again.
"Our drive will take about 20 minutes." the driver said before he silenced himself.
Louis was completely quiet. This silence was killing me so I grabbed my earbuds and haunted for a good calming song through Spotify.

"Okay, thank you. Keep the change." Louis finally spoke? Not to me though. I was kinda sad because of that.
"Louis?" he stopped moving and fixed his eyes on me.
"Why weren't you talking all the way here?" I just needed to ask.
"You plugged those stupid things into your ears. What was I supposed to do?" he grabbed his stuff and walked past me.

"I did it because you weren't talking and the silence in there was making me uncomfortable."
"Oh god, Harry." he rolled his eyes in annoyance.

Okay, it's time to end this. I don't want him to be mad at me.
"Thank you for everything. I would give you the money for all the things you did for me, but I don't really have much... So thank you again Louis. I guess I will hear you on board." I turned around and disappeared inside the airport.

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