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He helped me get to the airport and check in.
I was sad when we had to take separate ways.

On our way here I noticed Louis had changed into his uniform while we weren't together. He looked even hotter like this. Was that even possible at this point? Everything about him was just so hot. I would like to enjoy the few last hours with him but I knew he had to work, and most importantly that he really loved his work.

"I will hear you?" I smiled at him after I pecked his lips.
"Of course you will. Be careful yeah?" he kissed my cheek and waved to me before he disappeared. I could get used to this.

The flight was pretty quick. I fell asleep as soon as we got in the air and woke up when we were about to land.

I got out of the plane but Louis was nowhere to be found. He will probably come out of the plane as last.

Everyone was already outside the plane now and I was still waiting there for him. When the door opened I thought this would finally be him but I could only see that taller lad, the co-captain. He ignored me and went his way.

Did Louis leave? He did, right?
He could at least tell me something like: "Harry you are really nice, but our worlds don't match and blah blah blah..."

I faced the ground and began to walk away, knowing this was it.
"Hey! Hey Harry!" I stopped in my tracks, turning around to see Louis with his hands behind his back.
"Where were you? I thought you left without saying our last goodbyes."
"We are saying last goodbyes? To who?" is he really that dumb? No he is not. He is just playing with me.
"You should be an actor. You know what I mean." I rolled my eyes. I didn't know if I did it because I didn't want to cry or for him to see that he was not that funny.
"No, I don't because I am not saying last goodbyes." he disagreed with me.

"These are for you." he brought the thing he held in his hands to my chest. It was a bouquet of yellow tulips.
"I am sorry I wasn't here. I ordered them for you and had to pick them up." couple of tears made their way onto my cheeks.
"My favourite, thank you."
"And I have one more thing for you." he smirked.

"What?" I cocked my head to the side.
"I need to park the plane to it's spot so another airline with their plane could go to this gate for their passengers and you will be my co-pilot." my jaw dropped somewhere to the ground. I was seriously trying to pick it up and close my mouth but it wasn't that easy.
Fortunately I was successful.

"Louis, I don't have school for this." I shook my head in disagreement.
"It's just taxiing." he pleaded.
"There is not really much we have to do anyways because the safety cars will help us. I want you to see what this means to me." he pouted.

Wait, Louis freaking Tomlinson pouted? What was going on?!
"Isn't it illegal?" I whispered.
"Technically... so you will fullfil two of my dreams at the same time." what is the second one?
"I wanted to be a criminal when I was younger." he whispered into my ear.
"I don't know Lou..." I looked at the white plane with inscription British airways on it's side.
"Haz please." what? He wants me to faint or something?
"Haz?" I blushed.
"Mhm. You like it?" he smiled and I knew he had me wrapped around his finger.
"Okay, so let's go." he grabbed my hand and led me to the tunel.

When we were about to enter the cockpit he quickly reminded me that I mustn't touch anything without his agreement. I just nodded in response.

When I sat down into the seat I felt weird. I was a bit scared.

"Hazza?" Louis sat down into the second seat.

"No need to be scared. I am here with you, okay?" he squeezed my hand to reassure me.

"Here." he took down his hat and placed it on my head. He played with it for a moment so my hair wouldn't end up in my eyes and just all over my face.

"Perfect." he adored his work before showing it to me too.
"Now, the cars will help us because you can't start the engines to go backwards. That's the difference between cars and planes. Of course there is a lot more but this is one of the biggest differences." Louis was explaining the things he was doing, the buttons he was pressing...

Sometimes I even helped him with something.

He showed me the airport and the planes from a completely new perspective.
When we got back into the airport I had to admit that I enjoyed it really much.
"So..." Louis stopped walking when we were standing in the vestibule of the airport.
"Yeah?" I turned towards him with my whole body.
"Would you like to come over tonight?" he asked carefully.
I blushed as deeply as possible.
"I'd love to."
"Yeah?" Louis smiled finally.
"Mhm." I nodded although I was a bit nervous about it.
"Let's go then love." he put a hand on the small of my back, leading me towards the automatic door.

I wish everyone could find themselves a Louis. I am glad I found mine.

And I am also glad that planes are not that scary for me anymore, at least not when I am with him.

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