Part 5

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Aarohi and I rang the calling bell of a semi-rich looking house. Aarohi had shown me photos of their friends on her phone on the way here. But I could not remember them much. And people look different in real life than in photos. There are many times you would fail to recognize some person with just the photos.

The door opened. Probably the host. I can't recognize the girl already. Or remember her name.

"Roh, don't tell me you came to a party in jeans?" the girl rolled her eyes at Aarohi. Aarohi just frowned. "What's with your thing and jeans?" The girl asked.

"I like jeans," Aarohi said. I thought Aarohi looked nice in jeans and shirt though. She has nice legs. I mean, perfect legs for jeans. That doesn't mean that I was checking her out. Or maybe well I was.

"But you never, never wear skirts." The girl complained. "Oh my god, Rahul, I didn't notice you."

Well, I was standing right there.

She came and gave me a hug. "How are you?"She asked.

I looked at Aarohi for assistance. She nodded at me.

"I'm good," I said.

"Well come on in." She said. She turned and walked inside. Aarohi and I followed her inside. The party was being held downstairs in a basement sort of place. So we went down the stairs with her. There was faint music coming from there.

"What was her name again?" I asked Aarohi in a whisper.

"Natasha," Aarohi said.

We came down to the basement room, dimly lit. There were a few couches and chairs in there. And the room already had a bunch of people. Three girls were at a corner engrossed in conversation. A couple of guys were playing mobile games in another corner. On a single couch chair, a couple was wrapped up in each other's arms kissing. Another two guys were standing in the middle of the room talking.

"Look who is here, guys?" Natasha said. They all turned to look at me.

"Rahul," many cried out. And in the next few minutes, I was hugged, patted on the back, punched on my stomach etc. One of the girls busted out crying when she saw me.

I was always close with my friends too. I wondered how they have been holding up on the news of my accident. Vijay and Yash. They were like brothers more than friends. I am sure they must be near the hospital bed, looking down at me with tears. When I am here.

"So how was it?" One of the boys asked as soon as I sat down.

"The what?" I asked.

"The accident. How was it?"

"Karan, that is not a very nice thing to ask." The girl who had cried before complained to him, "What is he supposed to say that it was a really comforting experience. God, you are so stupid sometimes."

"No. But it must have been exciting. Right?" Karan looked back at me as if he wants to hear me telling him that it was exciting as an amusement park ride.

"It must have been so awful." The girl said.

"Well," I said. "I hit my head pretty hard. I heard my brain came out and got scattered on the road like broken cauliflower. The doctors took it and put it all back inside my head neatly. It was not a clean job."

Everyone laughed. But Aarohi kicked my leg. I looked at her. She looked angry. I noticed that her eyes sort of getting smaller when she is angry. It's sort of beautiful actually.

"What's there to eat?" She asked Natasha. "I'm hungry. And Rahul is too, right?" She looked at me as if she wants me to say that I am hungry.

"Food is there on that table," Natasha said. "And drinks too. But I am not sure if Rahul should... I mean, is it okay for him to consume alcohol yet for him?"

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