Part 6

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The crash, and then pain. I felt the sharp metallic rods piercing into my chest. And the pain was unimaginably excruciating. There was sitting in my own car, blood gushing down my white t-shirt. And I was still conscious. And I was screaming. I could see the iron rod stuck to my chest. A bloody iron rod was protruding straight from my chest. And I could see and feel the t-shirt drenched wet in blood. And it was bloody damn paining...

I woke up drenched in sweat.

I sat up. I was panting.

I looked around. The other Rahul's room. I was still safely in his body. It was just a dream. I had dreamed about the accident...

The door of the room opened. "Rahul, do you have anything to wash? I was going to put clothes in the washing machine." Other Rahul's mother asked. Then she noticed that something is wrong with me. "What is it, dear?" She asked coming to me. She sat down on my bed.

I missed my mother so much at that moment. I wanted my mother. Not the other Rahul's mother.

"Are you feeling unwell?" Rahul's mother asked me, she wiped my sweat with her bare hands, looking down at me troubled.

"No." I panted. "Just bad dream. Nightmare. The accident."

"Oh..." She looked tearful. "Come here," She took me into a hug. "It was just a dream." She rubbed my back. It felt strangely comfortable. It felt soothing. Mother's touch. Even if she was not my mother, it felt comforting.

"I'm glad that you got out safe." Mother said. She parted away from me. "You are alive." She said as if there can be nothing else in the world that would make her happier. As if that is the biggest achievement in the world. "hm?" She asked.

"Yes," I told her. I understood what Aarohi meant. Her son's life meant a lot to this mother. I guess it is true for all mothers. So I was glad that at least I was alive here, to be her son.

"How about I make your favourite for breakfast?" She asked. "To cheer you up."

I nodded. "Good." She got up. "Get ready and come for breakfast. And how is your college going? You did not tell me. I asked Aarohi. But I'd rather hear it from you."

"It's going good," I told her. It was. I pretty much did not understand what is being taught in the classes, but I got along well with the friends. That is enough for now.

"Good." Mother said and walked out of the room.

I walked out dressed for college and came to the dining room to see muli ke parathe as breakfast. I scrunched up. I am not that picky about food, but I could never handle muli/radish. I hate radish.

Rahul's mom was setting the breakfast table enthusiastically. She normally doesn't cook an extensive breakfast. It's mostly toast and omelettes or cereal for breakfast. But that day she went out of her way to make it especially for her son who just had a nightmare about the accident.

I was trapped.

"Come on, come in..." Mom said.

"Eh... I need some water." I said, walking to the kitchen and getting myself a cup of water. Aarohi who was at the breakfast table noticed me. She followed me to the kitchen and pretended to take the juice from the fridge.

"What's wrong?" she hissed to me.

"I hate radishes. I hate muli ke parathe." I said. "They are disgusting."

"So?" She asked coming closer, "You won't eat them?" Her eyes went narrow in anger. "Do you have a death wish? Shut up and eat or else you will find out my true colours." She hissed. Her eyes are so pretty when she is angry. Makes me feel like taunting her more see more of her anger. It's intriguing.

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