Part 9

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The room I was in had a window that opened to the most amazing view of the starry sky. And there was a seat sort of there to sit and enjoy it. So I sat there looking at the sky. It was pretty beautiful.

I had left the door open. So after a while, Aarohi came through the door. She closed the door after stepping in. "Mind if I come in?" She asked.

"No. And you are already in." I said.

She came and sat by me on the window seat. I noticed that she had changed her clothes. At least the top. I guess she had one in her bag. She looked clean and fresh as if she had a bath. I had just washed my hands and legs in the warm water provided by the hotel.

"Can I stay here for a while?" She asked. "It feels weird to be in a strange place alone."

"You are scared to stay in your room alone?" I asked. "You?"

"I'm not scared. I said it feels weird. And I can get bored. Even the mobile is not getting enough reception. If there comes a moment of emergency or any danger..."

"Well, in my opinion, you are in more danger to be in this room with me than being alone in the other room," I said while still looking at the sky.

She did not taunt me back or say anything so I looked at her to know the reason. She was looking at the sky too. "It's beautiful." She said.

"Yeah." I looked back at the sky.

"No wonder mom and dad ended up making me here." She said. "Anyone will feel like having a sexy hot night under these stars. They make you feel like doing it."

I chuckled.

"I wanted to say sorry," Aarohi said suddenly. I looked at her. "For..."

"The accident? Never mind. It was not your fault. It was my fault for letting you drive and not paying attention." I said. "You don't need to apologize."

"Yeah but..." She still looked guilty. She looked disturbed. "But I made you remember it." She finally said, "that is what you meant, right, when you said about worse things than death?"

I did not know how to reply.

"Do you remember it? Were you awake?" She whispered.

"When the iron rods pierced me?" I asked, my voice coming out as a whisper as well. "Yeah. I was conscious." I saw horror passing through her eyes. "You know what's funny? Even now, I feel something here." I placed my hand on my chest. "It's weird. Because it had happened to my body. Not this body. I guess my body will still have a hole here, or a surgery scar, which is still healing. And I can feel that. Maybe I am connected to my body in a way..." Coz I can feel it, the wounds. Like a tingle, like a small pain... "You don't believe me?" I asked. Because she looked doubtful as if I have gone mad.

"No...I..." She looked confused, but then held herself back. "I believe you." She said.

I nodded.

She was hesitating now. To say something... I waited.

"I... I worry about you also you know." She whispered. "Not just Rahul..."

I moved closer to her to listen. I wanted to listen to this clearly. She looked up at me. We were too close. And I could see my reflection in her eyes. The eyes that were looking into my eyes.

"I don't want you to die either." She said. "I...I care."

I smiled. But then I could not resist anymore. I wanted her. I went forward and kissed her. Taking in her lips... My hands grabbed her waist and pulled her closer. She didn't resist. She stayed there. She didn't push me away, or slap me or even uttered any form of resisting. So I kissed her...again and again...

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