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Chan has never been so confuse as he did now. Every since he had that sexual encounter with Minho, he has been shying away from him anytime he asked to hang out. He felt embarrassed that the bunny had so much power over and could get him worked up so quick. He was supposed to be the powerhouse in the duo. It was his natural existence to be powerful over the bunny. The bunny was suppose to submit to him. He was supposed to be in charge.

Chan was the predator. Minho was the prey.


"Chan. Minho keeps calling me. Why are you ignoring him?" Changbin enters his room.

"I'm not." Chan pouts as his ears flatten against his head.

"Yes you are. He says since the other night when you stayed the night, that you've been ignoring him. Even Felix has been concern and keeps asking me if you're okay." Changbin sits on Chan's bed. The wolf sitting there with a million of pillows surrounding him like a nest.

"I just don't know what to do." Chan whines making Changbin sigh.

"What's the matter?" Changbin asked.

"The other day, we did something." Chan mumbles.

"You guys have sex?"

"No!" Chan blushes making Changbin sigh again.

"Then what? You're not being very clear." Changbin says.

"It's just embarrassing." Chan whispers.

"How old are you?" Changbin chuckles making Chan slap his shoulder.

"Shut up! Okay, he gave me a hand job!" He exclaims.

"Oh! That's not even the tip of the iceberg! Imagine once you actually get into the bed! I can totally see you bottoming!" Changbin says making Chan blush deeper and grabs a pillow to hit him with.

"You fucking fuck!" Chan climbs on top of him and starts hitting him with the pillow some more. All while Changbin was laughing.

"Okay! Okay!" Changbin manages to get out before flipping them around. Chan now on the bottom.

"Looks like you are a true bottom." Changbin jokes making Chan growl lightly.

"Hey, Seungmin let me in. I came to check on you." Minho stops in his steps at the scene.

"Min, it's not what it looks like." Chan says as Changbin scrambles off him.

"I think it is." Minho leaves the room. Chan jumping up to chase after him.

Chan followed the bunny out the apartment and down the hall till they reached the elevator. Minho pressing the button for it to come up.

"Please, it's seriously not what it looks like. We we're just messing around." Chan tries to explain.

Minho looks at Chan while the elevator came up as he said, "Not only are you fucking with my feelings but he's fucking with my brothers feelings. I won't have that."

"Min, please." Chan couldn't think of anything else but dropping to his knees. The bunny gasped as he seen the wolf hug his legs.

"It wasn't what it looks like. I promise. Please." Chan begs. Minho felt his pants get wet from the tears that fell from Chan's face.

"Pup, why is this getting you so worked up?" Minho peels Chan off his legs to help him stand.

Chan was hyperventilating as his cheeks were flushed red. His face covered in tears as he was shaking harshly.

"Don't want you to leave me. Please don't leave me. M'sorry." Chan hiccups.

"Oh, pup. I'm sorry for overreacting." Minho pulls him into a hug. The wolf being taller but shrinking to fit into the bunny's hold.

"Why don't we go back to your place and talk? I really want to talk to you." Minho says as he rubs Chan's head. Giving his ears light scratches.

"Okay." Chan nods making Minho pull away and grab his hand to lead him back to the apartment.

"Oh, pup." Minho seen Chan had left the door open after chasing him. The bunny pulled him into his apartment and shut the door behind him.

As they walked to the couch, they passed Changbin who was watching them.

Minho let out a quiet growl making Chan glared at him.

"It's okay. He's not a threat." Chan reassures him as they sit on the couch.

Chan was quick to crawl into Minho's lap to block his view of Changbin.

"You're so cute." Minho smiles at him and bops his nose. Chan giggling and covering his face with his hands. The bunny could feel the wolf's tail swinging against his legs. 

"Pup, I would like to know why you freaked out like you did. I get I may have overreacted but I've never seen you so upset." Minho caresses his ears. They twitched at the touch.

"I just didn't want to lose you. You've made the pass few weeks so enjoyable. I'm scared." Chan explains.

"Why are you scared?" Minho questions.

"I'm suppose to be the predator." Chan mumbles as he tail stopped moving. His ears flattening.

Minho sighs as he gets what Chan meant. He was scared because he was a wolf and Minho was a bunny. Chan was supposed to be in charge and he was supposed to be stronger then Minho. His dominance was being challenge. He was having mixed emotions.

"Pup, you don't have to worry about that around me. You can be yourself." Minho smiles softly.

"But-" "No buts. You can be my cute little pup all you want." Minho cuts him off as he gave his butt a pat. Chan let's out a squeak at the action but his tail starts wagging happily.

"Okay." Chan blushes making Minho stand with the wolf still clinging to him. He squeals as he tries to hold on. Only to be laid down on the couch with Minho hovering over top of him.

"So little pup, what do you want to do now that I got you under me?"



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So close to deleting this book :]

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