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"Welcome to Lee's Dinner! I'm Chan, I'll be your servant today! What can I get you to drink first?"

The wolf hybrid giving a warm smile that was genuine despite the many staff members who said he did it just for the tips.

The old couple was looking at their menus as the lady said, "I would like the lemonade.." Looking up to see the server and gasp loudly.

"Is everything alright, ma'am?" Chan's eyes widen in concern.

"I want a different server! This instant!" She shouts.

"We're very short staffed and I can't just change servers. This is my section and we get tips based off sections-" He was cut off by the man slamming his menu down.

"You heard my wife! We will not be served by some predator!" The man bellows making Chan duck his head. His ears flattening instantly as he tail stop swishing.

"I'm sorry. I'll see if someone else can run your table." He whispered as he put away his pad and pen in his apron.

"Make it snappy. We're hungry." The man says as he makes a 'shooing' motion with his hand.

Chan quickly scurries away to the back where Jeongin was.

"Chan, what's the matter?" Jeongin instantly sense something was wrong.

"The couple at table seven want a different server." He mumbles as he play with the string on his apron.

"Don't tell me it's because you're a wolf." Jeongin sighs making Chan hesitantly nod.

"I'm sorry. Whatever tip they leave, I'll give you." Jeongin says as he pulls out his pad.

"No! That's your money! You earn it!" Chan rushes out.

"I don't care! It's your table and that's the fifth time this week someone has done that to you! I know we can't say anything because boss will just fire us but I won't stay too quiet." Jeongin nods before walking out the back.

Chan pouts as he crosses his arms in thought. That was his fifth table to do so this week. Two times was because they had kids, one was because the table was full of prey hybrids, and two more were just hateful people including today.

He's tried to say something to their boss before but he just brushed it off like it didn't matter. He always used the overused quote, "the costumers always right."

Chan shakes his head of the negative thoughts and tries to regain a nice smile for his next table when he heard shouting from outside. He quickly rushed out into the dining area and seen the shouting come from the table he was just at.

Minho was the one shouting at the old couple.

Jeongin was struggling to hold back the bunny hybrid who shouting his lungs out at the old couple who just looked a mixture of confused, scared, and disgusted.

Chan rushed over to see what the problem was and when Minho spotted him, he pulled himself from Jeongin to make his way over.

Minho grabbed Chan's cheeks and pulled him down to look him in the eye.

"You are a beautiful creature. I don't care what your natural predator status says. You are the sweetest, smartest, caring, lovable, precious, thing in the world and I won't stand you getting slander by some old couple who's lost their damn minds. Do you hear me?" Minho rants on as he looks at Chan with wide eye and his nose twitching slightly.

"Yes." Chan mumbles between squished cheeks. His face flushed red with his tail tucked between his legs.

"What is going on here!" The boss comes rushing out.

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