Chapter 18

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"I don't want to go!" I groan to the machine signaling my waking time for school.

The other day was tough. I missed yesterday (blamed it on cramps) because I guess it just seemed to be the thing to do when you are humiliated multiple times in one day.

So I took a personal day.

After pondering, really digging into my soul, and watching a few episodes of Oprah, I realized that if I make a big deal out of it, it won't change anything except make me more dramatic. But if I stand tall, and act like it never happened, it might make me feel a little better about the whole "pantsing situation."

Thank you Oprah.

The one person I am worried about seeing for sure is the boy who waited an hour after school to see if I was alright though.

The boy who I was a complete brat too.

My alarm rings once more and I give in sighing.

I guess I will join the other fifty percent of kids in America who will be attending school today.

I am a feminism supporter, like it is a good cause and equality all the way, but sometimes I just wish that that first women didn't go to school. So that she wouldn't carry the burden of academics, public humiliation, and politics for generations to come.

Don't get me wrong though because I can be annoying when it comes to equal rights. I just get this way when everyone sees my underwear.

I almost put on a sweatshirt but stop myself. That's a point for Sidney.

If I show any sign of embarrassment that will have meant that she won.

Instead I wear a casual hunter green three quarter sleeve, knee length dress with black tights and brown half boots.

I am usually not a dress person for school, but I use it as a kind of a what's-up-Sidney-I-will-never-be-defeated dress day.

You also can't get pantsed in a dress so I find that ironic.

I still cannot quite understand why she did it in the first place. It was almost two months ago that Jessie found out.

Maybe she just barely realized that I was the one who saw them or something.

Probably not though.

When I get to first period I aim to ignore Jessie because of our embarrassing encounter yesterday.

But he isn't there.

I am relieved, that I don't have to talk to him about what happened and overall I am glad because he probably knows about the whole Sidney thing.

But I just can't justify the little disappointment that he isn't there creeping in my chest.

I mean it's not like I miss him though right?

It's probably because school is more interesting when you have someone to distract you.

I keep wanting to turn to my left and say some snarky rebuttal, but remember that Jessie isn't there in drama.

The day moves slower than usual and by the time it's lunch time I am about to fall asleep in class.

Luckily no one says anything about the whole "incident" yet.

That is until I get out of the lunch line.

When I overhear the jocks telling the story.

"Oh my gosh it was fricken crazy! Sidney was coming over and yelling at her and Elizabeth was just crossing her arms and giving her sass, it was so hot dude. And then she turns around and Sidney just grabs her pants and pulls em down!"

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