The Start And Finish

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In the Fae Kingdom , the Royal family was loved and respected immensely. The favourite was of course the Young Princess Flora. Her beauty transcended that of her mother's , who came from the Iceland terrain. The people in her clan were especially known for their beauty.

Princess Flora was described as a kind and caring woman. She has a calming aura that added to her charm. It was her , a Fae Princess that helped her husband , an Alpha wolf to unite the wolf packs. His greed grew as he wanted to unite all kingdoms but she helped him nonetheless.

The Elf , Dragon and Fae Kingdoms were easy to convince as she'd grown close to them over the years. The Elves are mostly docile unless provoked , so they were the easiest to join. Knowing that their beloved Young Princess had a plan to unite all the different Kingdoms in order to create a peaceful world , the entire Fae Kingdom were behind her with full consent.

As for the Dragon Kingdom , it only took Flora winning a game of chess against the Elder for the Dragons to bow their heads to her. Her husband, Raci, was sure she could unite the Kingdoms in his stead so he pushed her from the sidelines. Flora trusted her husband and also believed that she was doing the right thing by creating a peaceful world.

However , the Vampires , Witches , Demons and Angels were a bit more difficult to convince but eventually they folded. The vampires were reclusive and simply asked that she fight one of their powerful warriors. The first to shed blood loses. Flora simply cut herself with a smile on her face, saying "I lose".

Her actions caught them off guard and they wanted a rematch since it was unfair that the warrior didn't show off her talents. This however put them in the exact position Flora wanted them. In the end , she won over the Vampires with this rematch. The Witches merely had her meet with the Elder before a decision was made. After the Witches bowed to her , the Angels and Demons bowed as well.

With this, what was called the Supreme Reign arose, after a hundred years of trying to unite all the different races in peace. Three hundred years of prosperity slowly dwindled away when King Raci saw a young witch. She was beautiful with black short hair , blue eyes , pink lips , lightly tanned skin. The dark witch Ravana , she always wanted to be the Supreme Queen but she wasn't the mate of the King and one could suffer horrible consequences when breaking mate bonds.

It just so happened that the King was taking a ride through the streets and a plan formulated in her mind to seduce the King. Ravana didn't have to do much for King Raci to notice her. He was immediately smitten by her looks , he thought to himself that she looked more beautiful than his Queen whose face he hasn't seen in a while as Flora went to visit her parents. With this in mind , he had to have her and Ravana was more than willing. Both got what they wanted, feeling no remorse for their actions towards the Queen.

Queen Flora returned from her visit to news that the King had taken in a concubine, and was dabbling in debauchery everyday, while neglecting his Kingdom. Queen Flora berated King Raci about forgetting his Kingdom and enjoying women, not at any point mentioning how hurt she had felt.

The King was furious, furious enough to want to kill her. To him, Queen Flora had more popularity with the people than him so getting rid of her now was the best course of action. Locking the Queen in her courtyard was a short term until he could find a way to dispose of her but Ravana wanted to get rid of her immediately. So she used her dark arts to place a curse on the Queen who unknown to her, was pregnant. With things the way they were Queen Flora had not breathed a word of her pregnancy. The days turn into months and Queen Flora soon had a child , born in a great thunderstorm. The screams of the Queen and child were covered by the booming thunder.

Her personal maidservant and shadow guards were happy for their Queen when the white haired princess was born. They were sure that the Young Princess wasn't affected by the curse until the child opened her eyes to show a pair of golden eyes. The child's white hair suddenly started to turn a bright red color.  The Princess was blind for life as she had absorbed the curse for her mother , ultimately saving her mother more years. The storm lasted for three days and three nights. After the storm passed , the Princess was with her mother locked in a courtyard while Ravana was stirring up trouble outside.

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