Her Arrival 2

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The doors of the Great Hall opened slowly, a voice sounded. "Grand Prince General Nox of the Angel Kingdom has arrived." The seven foot dark haired man stepped into the Great Hall, a deep scar over his right eye. He got to the middle of the room and bowed his head to Elder Haclin. "Prince Nox. What an unexpected surprise. What brings you to our Kingdom so suddenly?" Princess Consort Nayeli asked with a smile on her face, "Princess Consort. There are two reasons for my visit. In this war, the angel Kingdom would like to form an alliance with the Fae Kingdom." The five clan leaders were shocked at this. The angels always kept to themselves, it was unheard of for them to even think about participating in a war that has nothing to do with them.

"What's your reason?" Flora spoke up, her eyes haven't left the man since he entered. "The Wolf King touched what is mine." His hazel eyes met hers with such intensity that Flora had to cross her legs suddenly. She didn't expect him to say that, it truly caught her off guard. "And the second?" Flora asked. Just as he was about to answer, Erebus' arrival was called out. "King Erebus has arrived!" Erebus stepped in with Bia next to him. Her presence came as a surprise to them, they didn't expect to see her so soon. Bia's eyes go to Grand Prince Nox, she stopped next to him and bowed to her grand parents. "Neteria greats her Elders."

She turned to her mother. "Mother. Father." She greeted her parents. The silence broke with this revelation. "What? Are you mistaken?" Grand Princess Kali asks, spilling the wine on herself. A maid came forward and helped her wipe it off but Kali's eyes went to her brother. Prince Kasian clenched his jaw but said nothing, Kali looked at Nox. "Try not to kill him older brother." Before she could say anything else, Kasian suddenly appeared before Nox. Bia merely stepped forward and raised her hand, taking the force of the strike. "Bia!" Flora stood while yelling. Kasian never thought that she would step forward and could only pull back half of his power half way. Yet, he wasn't sure if she could handle it.

Bia didn't move, her clothes flapped about as if she was in the middle of a thunderstorm. "Neteria! What are you doing? I could've killed you." Licking the trial of blood from her lip, Bia simply smiled. "I'm okay." The man huffed and glared at Nox behind her. "Stay out of this." Bia chuckled. "If things weren't as complicated as they are, I would've. However, you have to be greeted by your great grandchildren." Nayeli stood up, "Great grandchildren?"  Bia looked back and nods. Opal and Opia move to the sid , revealing Diablo and Aceso. Everyone was shocked. "Bia. You've been gone for three years. How?" Kasian couldn't help but to ask.

Flora was also shocked, she didn't expect that the children would be fully grown the next time she saw them. "In bone age, they are three years old. Seeing your reactions, this isn't normal?" 'that's cause you're an abomination' Bia turned to Matriarch East. "An abomination?" She smiled but the smile made everyone involuntarily shiver, even Elder Haclin felt fear from Bia's beautiful yet chilling smile. "Matriarch East. Do you have something to say?" Matriarch East turned to face Elder Haclin. "Elder , I'll like to make a complaint." Bia motioned for the children to go and sit. "Oh? Matriarch East rarely has any complaints. Continue." The old man smiled, he knew what it was about but still goaded her on.

"Someone brainwashed my children and even went as far as injuring them when they didn't want to listen. I'd like the Elder to make sure she's punished." Elder Haclin sat up straight, "Of course! Let's call out the person to hear what they have to say." Rai turned to Bia and smirked. "Him." Rai pointed to Pino who stood to the side. "My maid said that she saw him speaking to Rena before she had cold poison." Bia merely smirked and walked towards the table next to her mother to sit. "Is that true Pino?" Elder Haclin asked, he was anticipating the drama that was about to unfold. His great grandchild was good at this, she just came back and all hell broke loose. It was entertaining enough for him.

"Bring in the witnesses." A maid walked in, her head down with her hands folded in. "Greetings Elder." The old man waved his hand in a hurry, "Quick. Tell us what you saw." There was no real hurry but the old man was obviously eager to start a fire, a huge one at that. The maid immediately pointed to Pino, "He visited Eldest Miss Rena late at night and professed his love for her but she rejected him. It seemed like he left in anger, after that the young Miss dropped to the ground in pain." Pino merely glanced at the maid and the at the Mistress. Bia gave a subtle nod to Pino, he was to handle this situation however he saw fit. If there was a need then she would speak up.

Pino chuckles softly, he was glad that the Mistress let him deal with this on his own. "Oh? Then what was I wearing yesterday? Where did I meet her? How did I not notice you while I was there?" The maid looked in Rei's direction and she nodded. "You were wearing the same thing as now, you met young Miss in her private quarters and of course you wouldn't mind a little maid like myself."  Pino took out his fan with a smile, "Why would a married man like myself enter your Mistress's private quarters so late at night?" The maid looked up in confusion, "Nonsense! You're not married. I ask-" The maid closed her mouth immediately. "That's because you asked the wrong people. Opal, Opia. Am I married?" Opal sighed. "Pino is the husband of the general. This is a fact known to all of the Mistress's subordinates. Of course others wouldn't know." She rolled her eyes after saying those words. Pino beamed at her choice of words.

"My wife is so impressive. What would be the purpose of trying to get the useless one of that wretched family?" Rai's eyes widen in shock. "If she's so capable why didn't she get a prince instead of someone's lowly subordinate?!" At any mention of Reina, Rai seemed to lose all her sense. The crisp sound of a cup slamming on the table echoed after her words. "Lowly? My mother, the Queen of her own Kingdom, married my father and became the Queen of Demons. Her identity is the one and only Supreme Princess! Many would kill to even see her face and you dare to call her people lowly?" Diablo couldn't help but to speak up. "That's right. Our mother had to experience your entire life in two years of hers and she's still here. Yet you even threw away your own child for the sake of power. Who are you to judge anyone when you can't even sort out your own personal problems?" Aceso said angrily.

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