Tomorrow's Answers

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"What are you doing?" Prince Kasian walked over and pulled his daughter to her feet before hugging her. "Don't ever bow before me again." The last time she bowed to him was the last time he saw her, it was just before the news of the Wolf King taking in a Concubine reached them. The news of her death reached them even quicker. Flora hugged her her father tightly, tears in her eyes as she replied. "I won't." Prince Kasian stepped back and smiled as he realized that it was really his daughter in front of him. When the news of her death reached them, Princess Nayeli took it hard but he took it harder. The two spent the most time together and the fact that they didn't have the same ideals made it all the better. It was always something to have a discussion about between the two of them and the silence wasn't awkward.

Princess Consort Nayeli walked up to them, tears streaming down her cheeks as Flora turned to her. "Mother..." Her voice was filled with regret. The last time the two saw each other, they had an argument. The worse kind that ever occurred between the two. Nayeli shook her head as the two hugged. "It was my fault. I'm so sorry." Flora cried into her mother's shoulder. "Why should you be sorry? As your mother, I didn't listen to you. I'm the one who should be saying sorry." The two separate and Nayeli smiles softly while caressing Flora's cheek. Flora moves her mother's hand and turns to face Lanai, her face didn't carry the softness it did just a moment ago. Lanai was extremely frightened but she didn't have a way to move away or hide as the vine still punctured her throat.

"You want to run? You won't have the chance to." A smile graced her red lips, the act itself was wickedly beautiful. A vine reaches up and rips Lanai's arm off her body. "Now. What should I do with you?" Without looking over her shoulder she called out. "Erebus? What do you think?" Making a move against the old man, Erebus smirked. "Tie her up and have her watch her husband whipped tomorrow while cutting off a piece of flesh for every whip lash." Elder Haclin chuckles and makes another move. "I was worried the ruthless Demon King lost his edge while running around." Flora shook her head and smiles. "That settles it. My Uncle will be whipped in front of the Kingdom tomorrow morning while his crimes are shown to the public. Does anyone have any objections?" Flora sat on the throne and looked down at those below her but the hall remained silent. One by one, the heads of the noble families dropped to their knees.

"Greetings Queen Flora." Reina and the others nod their heads in her direction but did nothing more. The first to his feet was the Southern Leader, who saw Reina's actions. "You should kneel before the Queen, child." Reina looked at him, "Out of everyone here you have the least right to tell me anything." Southern Patriarch got angry at her words. "What insolence! How dare you speak to me that way." He turned to Reina's mother, "Some child you raised!" He huffed angrily and Reina chuckles. "I wasn't raised by her so she doesn't have control over me either. My Mistress and I raised each other through perilous times. Who are you to command and reprimand me?" Immense pressure hit the southern Patriarch that brought him to his knees immediately.

He didn't expect her to be so powerful that he couldn't even retaliate. "Reina! That's enough." Reina looked over at Rai who spoke to her , "A mere carrier has no place to speak." Only when the Southern Patriarch spat out blood did Erebus intervened. "They've learnt a lesson." Reluctantly Reina withdrew her pressure and sneered at the four nobles before leaving. Erebus stood and bowed, a grumpy Elder Haclin shook his head. "I'll retire first." Clearly the old man lost the game because he waved away Erebus as if he was the plague. With Erebus leaving, Opal and the others left as well. Soon only the remaining Royal family and the four leaders were left in the hall.

"Jai, you made it here earlier than I thought." Jai bowed as Queen Flora called his name. "I hurried back by your Highness' orders." She nods. "You did good. Wait outside." He bows once again and leaves the hall. The Western Matriarch looked at Flora and bowed. "My Queen, if you don't mind me asking. How were you able to survive? Don't get me wrong, of course we are happy that you are but even Elder Haclin confirmed your death." This question embodied everyone's thoughts. Although overjoyed to see her again, they were confused as to what happened. "This question .." Flora looked off in the distance with a small smile, "Will be answered tomorrow." Western Matriarch bowed and took her leave. The other three did the same and left the hall. Rai's husband stood outside the palace waiting on her to exit patiently.

Patriarch of North and South saw the delicate man in a large fur coat standing in the night waiting for his wife and scoffs. "Too bad he's married to the bane of our noble families. My sister would've loved a man like that at her side." The Southern Patriarch chuckled as he ridiculed the man. "Father." Rena called out suddenly, which jumped the two men. They look back to see Rena and Matriarch East walking out the gate. They hurried into their own respective carriages and left. "Rena. You're not injured are you? Where's Reina?" After checking her body he asked for his second born when she was nowhere to be seen. "She should be in the Demon King's courtyard." He nods and turns to his wife. "Wife." He reached up to move hair from her face but she moved back. "Let's go."

There was obvious hurt in his eyes but he said nothing and watched as she stepped into the carriage. Rena stepped up and looked back at her father. "Are you not coming?" He shook his head, "No. I'll go and look for Reina." Rena knew this was just an excuse but didn't refute. It made no sense to. The carriage moved off and Maki stood watching it. He turned only to see Reina standing there staring at him. "I cannot wait to see what you're hiding under that mask of yours. Father..." Maki smiled at her. "What are you speaking of? Nevermind that, why haven't you returned home?" Reina scoffed, "I'm started to wondering if the majority of you just like to act stupid for fun." Maki clenched his jaw, trying to control his anger but maintained his smile.

Reina wasn't one to miss things like this once she was watching someone, so she grinned once she saw the small shift in his body language. "Someone seems angry. After fooling many for years that you are a feeble man, it hurts your pride when someone sees through you facade." The gentle look in Maki's eyes was replaced by a cold look, "So? What do you want?" She chuckled and wrapped her hands around her body. "It just turned so chilly." Maki clenched his fists and glared at his daughter. He couldn't help but to think that she would be this way even if he raised her. "Don't worry, I have no interest in exposing you but you should know your limits when it comes to me." Reina walked away, leaving Maki to compose himself.

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